股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.數碼網絡(DIGI) 6947 33.58 21.00 28.60 33.58 32.54 32.00 30.40
2.吉隆坡甲洞(KLK) 2445 22.98 16.72 19.74 22.98 21.88 21.60 21.44
3.蒲萊泉(PSPRING) 5059 1.18 0.45 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.17 1.154
4.馬頓(MALTON) 6181 0.86 0.39 0.39 0.81 0.58 0.56 0.48
5.亞通(AXIATA) 6888 5.22 4.36 4.43 5.01 4.80 4.79 4.81
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
> 1.森那美(SIME) 4197 9.49 8.10 8.55 9.20 9.20 8.87 8.82
> 森那美以每股2.30令吉收購東方(E&O,3417,主板產業組)30%股權,中至長期效應正面。
> 2.環境海事資源(ALAM) 5115 1.31 0.70 0.30 1.21 0.755 0.755 0.77
> 該公司雖轉虧為盈,惟分析員對業務前景意見不一,特別是對岸外供應船領域的需求,益資利研究說,今年為止,它取得2億1100萬令吉新合約,使手握訂單合約總值5億令吉。
> 3.莫實得控股(BSTEAD) 2771 6.50 4.29 5.16 6.50 5.52 5.45 5.43
> 該公司次季業績比市場預測略遜色,惟仍看好後市表現,因擁有多項值得期待的發展計劃,包括與政府簽署巡邏船艦合約,新的土地交易與產業發展計劃,以及脫售資產的企業動作等,都可能推動股價。
> 4.百盛控股(PARKSON) 5657 7.73 5.15 5.15 7.73 5.54 5.73 5.51
> 該公司交出2011年全年亮麗業積,公司管理層對未來業務前景持正面態度,市場也看好旗下亞洲百盛零售在新加坡股市上市計劃,預料未來分店擴展計劃,將繼續推動業務穩健成長。
> 5.金獅林業(LIONFIB) 8486 2.55 1.30 1.30 1.68 1.48 1.45 1.44
> 金獅林業收購柬埔寨地皮作油棕與橡膠園用途,此舉一度激勵股價上揚。
> 1.森那美(SIME) 4197 9.49 8.10 8.55 9.20 9.20 8.87 8.82
> 森那美以每股2.30令吉收購東方(E&O,3417,主板產業組)30%股權,中至長期效應正面。
> 2.環境海事資源(ALAM) 5115 1.31 0.70 0.30 1.21 0.755 0.755 0.77
> 該公司雖轉虧為盈,惟分析員對業務前景意見不一,特別是對岸外供應船領域的需求,益資利研究說,今年為止,它取得2億1100萬令吉新合約,使手握訂單合約總值5億令吉。
> 3.莫實得控股(BSTEAD) 2771 6.50 4.29 5.16 6.50 5.52 5.45 5.43
> 該公司次季業績比市場預測略遜色,惟仍看好後市表現,因擁有多項值得期待的發展計劃,包括與政府簽署巡邏船艦合約,新的土地交易與產業發展計劃,以及脫售資產的企業動作等,都可能推動股價。
> 4.百盛控股(PARKSON) 5657 7.73 5.15 5.15 7.73 5.54 5.73 5.51
> 該公司交出2011年全年亮麗業積,公司管理層對未來業務前景持正面態度,市場也看好旗下亞洲百盛零售在新加坡股市上市計劃,預料未來分店擴展計劃,將繼續推動業務穩健成長。
> 5.金獅林業(LIONFIB) 8486 2.55 1.30 1.30 1.68 1.48 1.45 1.44
> 金獅林業收購柬埔寨地皮作油棕與橡膠園用途,此舉一度激勵股價上揚。
Thursday, September 1, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.聯昌集團(CIMB) 1023 9.17 6.95 6.58 7.87 7.20 7.04 7.88
2.居林(KULIM) 2003 16.00 3.12 3.33 3.83 3.75 3.68 3.70
3.雲頂(GENTING) 3182 11.98 8.88 9.40 10.30 9.73 9.46 9.87
4.阿瑪達(ARMADA) 5210 4.33 3.49 3.49 4.33 3.81 3.53 -
5.雪蘭莪鐵船(SDRED) 2224 0.88 0.65 0.65 0.88 0.695 0.68 0.70
1.聯昌集團(CIMB) 1023 9.17 6.95 6.58 7.87 7.20 7.04 7.88
2.居林(KULIM) 2003 16.00 3.12 3.33 3.83 3.75 3.68 3.70
3.雲頂(GENTING) 3182 11.98 8.88 9.40 10.30 9.73 9.46 9.87
4.阿瑪達(ARMADA) 5210 4.33 3.49 3.49 4.33 3.81 3.53 -
5.雪蘭莪鐵船(SDRED) 2224 0.88 0.65 0.65 0.88 0.695 0.68 0.70
Monday, August 22, 2011
Trading Ideas from the Market
Esso, tenaga --Aug 22, 2011 9:10am
YTLland -- Aug 22, 2011 9:54 am
TWS --Aug 22, 2011 9:59am
Poh Kong -- Aug 22, 2011 10:17am
Waseong -- Aug 22, 2011 3:06pm
Maxis --Aug 22, 2011 3:41 pm
Sunway, Genting --Aug 23, 9:06am
Guoco, Perdana -- Aug 23. 9:09am
Just monitor, not asking you to buy. There is always a risk in trading stocks. Ask your remisier's advise before placing your order.
YTLland -- Aug 22, 2011 9:54 am
TWS --Aug 22, 2011 9:59am
Poh Kong -- Aug 22, 2011 10:17am
Waseong -- Aug 22, 2011 3:06pm
Maxis --Aug 22, 2011 3:41 pm
Sunway, Genting --Aug 23, 9:06am
Guoco, Perdana -- Aug 23. 9:09am
Just monitor, not asking you to buy. There is always a risk in trading stocks. Ask your remisier's advise before placing your order.
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.成功置地(BJLAND) 4219 4.69 0.90 0.90 1.12 1.02 1.04 1.02
2.海事重工(MHB) 5186 8.82 4.12 6.32 6.79 6.48 6.48 6.89
3.埃索(ESSO) 3042 5.97 2.60 3.90 4.95 3.96 4.08 4.47
市場盛傳莫實得控股大股東武裝部隊基金(LTAT)或為埃索出價高達每股5.20,與菲律賓生力集團(San Miguel Corp)上演“搶新娘記”。
4.福勝利(HSL) 6238 1.94 1.30 1.30 1.52 1.46 1.46 1.47
5.商聯帝沙(UNICO) 5019 1.21 0.96 0.97 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.01
1.成功置地(BJLAND) 4219 4.69 0.90 0.90 1.12 1.02 1.04 1.02
2.海事重工(MHB) 5186 8.82 4.12 6.32 6.79 6.48 6.48 6.89
3.埃索(ESSO) 3042 5.97 2.60 3.90 4.95 3.96 4.08 4.47
市場盛傳莫實得控股大股東武裝部隊基金(LTAT)或為埃索出價高達每股5.20,與菲律賓生力集團(San Miguel Corp)上演“搶新娘記”。
4.福勝利(HSL) 6238 1.94 1.30 1.30 1.52 1.46 1.46 1.47
5.商聯帝沙(UNICO) 5019 1.21 0.96 0.97 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.01
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.友力森(UNISEM) 5005 2.42 1.37 1.10 1.75 1.40 1.39 1.47
2.IOI集團(IOICORP) 1961 6.16 5.05 4.67 6.16 5.20 5.15 5.22
3.馬資源(MRCB) 1651 2.56 1.61 2.16 2.56 2.39 2.55 2.32
4.WCT公司(WCT) 9679 3.63 2.75 2.89 3.63 3.09 3.07 3.06
該公司獲淡水河谷馬制造(Vale Malaysia Mrunfacturing)頒發土方工程服務合約,值約1億1509萬6108令吉。
5.馬來西銀行(MAYBANK) 1155 9.38 7.65 8.38 9.38 8.83 8.76 8.83
1.友力森(UNISEM) 5005 2.42 1.37 1.10 1.75 1.40 1.39 1.47
2.IOI集團(IOICORP) 1961 6.16 5.05 4.67 6.16 5.20 5.15 5.22
3.馬資源(MRCB) 1651 2.56 1.61 2.16 2.56 2.39 2.55 2.32
4.WCT公司(WCT) 9679 3.63 2.75 2.89 3.63 3.09 3.07 3.06
該公司獲淡水河谷馬制造(Vale Malaysia Mrunfacturing)頒發土方工程服務合約,值約1億1509萬6108令吉。
5.馬來西銀行(MAYBANK) 1155 9.38 7.65 8.38 9.38 8.83 8.76 8.83
Monday, July 25, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.雲頂(GENTING) 3182 11.98 7.52
9.83 11.40 10.58 10.72 10.90
2.僑豐控股(OSK) 5053 2.23 1.27 1.51 1.86 1.54 1.55 1.55
3.德信控股(DXN) 5074 1.57 0.67 1.23 1.57 1.36 1.41 1.28
4.馬星集團(MAHSING) 8583 2.83 1 .69 2.14 2.65 2.46 2.45 2.43
該公司放眼Icon City能售出4億6000令吉的單位,佔其全年銷售量目標(20億至25億令吉)的18%至23%。
5.Cypark資源(CYPARK) 5184 3.30 0.955 1.66 2.55 2.15 2.31 1.98
1.雲頂(GENTING) 3182 11.98 7.52
9.83 11.40 10.58 10.72 10.90
2.僑豐控股(OSK) 5053 2.23 1.27 1.51 1.86 1.54 1.55 1.55
3.德信控股(DXN) 5074 1.57 0.67 1.23 1.57 1.36 1.41 1.28
4.馬星集團(MAHSING) 8583 2.83 1 .69 2.14 2.65 2.46 2.45 2.43
該公司放眼Icon City能售出4億6000令吉的單位,佔其全年銷售量目標(20億至25億令吉)的18%至23%。
5.Cypark資源(CYPARK) 5184 3.30 0.955 1.66 2.55 2.15 2.31 1.98
Monday, July 18, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.天安亞洲(KURASIA) 5097 0.57 0.325 0.49 0.57 0.50 0.555 0.516
2.史格米集團(SCOMI) 7158 0.465 0.28 0.31 0.465 0.315 0.32 0.317
3.成榮集團(MUDAJYA) 5085 6.10 3.33 3.33 3.91 3.44 3.39 4.34
4.沿海工程(COASTAL) 5071 3.82 2.12 2.44 3.05 2.61 2.45 3.31
5.SILK控股(SILKHLD) 5078 0.425 0.23 0.26 0.425 0.305 0.31 0.28
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.天安亞洲(KURASIA) 5097 0.57 0.325 0.49 0.57 0.50 0.555 0.516
2.史格米集團(SCOMI) 7158 0.465 0.28 0.31 0.465 0.315 0.32 0.317
3.成榮集團(MUDAJYA) 5085 6.10 3.33 3.33 3.91 3.44 3.39 4.34
4.沿海工程(COASTAL) 5071 3.82 2.12 2.44 3.05 2.61 2.45 3.31
5.SILK控股(SILKHLD) 5078 0.425 0.23 0.26 0.425 0.305 0.31 0.28
Monday, July 11, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.馬資源(MRCB) 1651 2.41 1.52 2.09 2.41 2.29 2.32 2.21
2.銀鳥(SILVER) 7136 0.845 0.50 0.50 0.65 0.51 0.51 0.54
3.金輪企業(KIMLUN) 5171 1.99 0.91 1.76 1.97 1.78 1.77 1.78
4.柏丹(BERTAM) 9814 0.945 0.27 0.705 0.785 0.72 0.715 0.73
5.龍馬(LANDMRK) 1643 1.87 1.09 1.39 1.72 1.49 1.46 1.43
1.馬資源(MRCB) 1651 2.41 1.52 2.09 2.41 2.29 2.32 2.21
2.銀鳥(SILVER) 7136 0.845 0.50 0.50 0.65 0.51 0.51 0.54
3.金輪企業(KIMLUN) 5171 1.99 0.91 1.76 1.97 1.78 1.77 1.78
4.柏丹(BERTAM) 9814 0.945 0.27 0.705 0.785 0.72 0.715 0.73
5.龍馬(LANDMRK) 1643 1.87 1.09 1.39 1.72 1.49 1.46 1.43
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.亞洲航空(AIRASIA) 5099 3.67 1.27 3.06 3.67 3.52 3.63 3.28
2.沙布拉浪峰(SAPCRES) 8575 4.35 2.16 4.10 4.35 4.23 4.30 4.18
3.大馬郵政(POS) 4634 3.74 2.88 3.21 3.74 3.30 3.24 3.28
4.榮科技(ENG) 8826 2.46 1.61 1.61 1.95 1.77 1.76 1.70
5.柏華嘉(PERWAJA) 5146 1.25 0.755 0.775 1.15 0.92 0.915 0.81
1.亞洲航空(AIRASIA) 5099 3.67 1.27 3.06 3.67 3.52 3.63 3.28
2.沙布拉浪峰(SAPCRES) 8575 4.35 2.16 4.10 4.35 4.23 4.30 4.18
3.大馬郵政(POS) 4634 3.74 2.88 3.21 3.74 3.30 3.24 3.28
4.榮科技(ENG) 8826 2.46 1.61 1.61 1.95 1.77 1.76 1.70
5.柏華嘉(PERWAJA) 5146 1.25 0.755 0.775 1.15 0.92 0.915 0.81
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.國家能源(TENAGA) 5347 9.29 5.94 6.59 7.21 6.78 6.75 6.76
2.大馬投資(AMMB) 1015 7.18 4.95 6.29 7.18 6.46 6.44 6.44
3.肯油企業(KENCANA) 5122 2.96 1.40 2.33 2.96 2.81 2.79 2.81
4.高美達(GLOMAC) 5020 2.02 1.24 1.65 2.02 1.82 1.87 1.76
5.睦興旺工程(MUHIBAH) 5703 1.93 0.85 1.34 1.91 1.39 1.39 1.62
1.國家能源(TENAGA) 5347 9.29 5.94 6.59 7.21 6.78 6.75 6.76
2.大馬投資(AMMB) 1015 7.18 4.95 6.29 7.18 6.46 6.44 6.44
3.肯油企業(KENCANA) 5122 2.96 1.40 2.33 2.96 2.81 2.79 2.81
4.高美達(GLOMAC) 5020 2.02 1.24 1.65 2.02 1.82 1.87 1.76
5.睦興旺工程(MUHIBAH) 5703 1.93 0.85 1.34 1.91 1.39 1.39 1.62
Sunday, June 26, 2011
RHB Research ups Lion Industries to trading buy
June 23, 2011
RHB Research ups Lion Industries to trading buy, FV RM2.54
Stock Name: LIONIND
Research House: RHB Price Call: BUY Target Price: 2.54
KUALA LUMPUR: RHB Research Institute has upgraded Lion Industries' indicative fair value to RM2.54 and upgraded it to a Trading Buy.
Bloomberg reported that Baosteel Group Corp, China's second largest steelmaker, is in talks with Lion Group to buy a stake in Amsteel Mills Bhd.
'We suspect that the offer will not be just for a stake in Amsteel Mills, but may include stakes in other steelmaking units within the Lion Group as well. It is also quite likely that Baosteel could be roped in as a strategic investor for the RM3.2 billion blast furnace project, given its expertise in the flat steel product segment,' RHB Research said.
RHB Research said it lowered its holding company discount to 20% to reflect improved trading sentiment on the back of the potential entrance of Baosteel and the likelihood that Lion Industries may not be roped in to invest in Lion Diversified's high-risk RM3.2 billion blast furnace project.
Can you spot Lion Industries before the news?
Yes, if you were to look at the chart daily, you could have bought it at 1.54 because MACD showed a buy signal on June 8, 2011.
If you were to hold until June 23, 2011, you could have dispose it at 2.03 and made a handsome profit. Even if you cannot sell it high, you could have sold it at 1.86.
For 5000 shares, you could make RM 2318, making a 30.1% return in just 12 working days.
You just need to do some homework. It is easy to say but if you want to make money, this is the only way instead of listening to tips from the horsemouth. You have to do homework that many people do not like or want to do. Use METASTOCK explorer function to scan the stocks and pick up the right ones. Maybe be just spend 30 minutes a day after office hours. It is boring but this is quite effective.
RHB Research ups Lion Industries to trading buy, FV RM2.54
Stock Name: LIONIND
Research House: RHB Price Call: BUY Target Price: 2.54
KUALA LUMPUR: RHB Research Institute has upgraded Lion Industries' indicative fair value to RM2.54 and upgraded it to a Trading Buy.
Bloomberg reported that Baosteel Group Corp, China's second largest steelmaker, is in talks with Lion Group to buy a stake in Amsteel Mills Bhd.
'We suspect that the offer will not be just for a stake in Amsteel Mills, but may include stakes in other steelmaking units within the Lion Group as well. It is also quite likely that Baosteel could be roped in as a strategic investor for the RM3.2 billion blast furnace project, given its expertise in the flat steel product segment,' RHB Research said.
RHB Research said it lowered its holding company discount to 20% to reflect improved trading sentiment on the back of the potential entrance of Baosteel and the likelihood that Lion Industries may not be roped in to invest in Lion Diversified's high-risk RM3.2 billion blast furnace project.
Can you spot Lion Industries before the news?
Yes, if you were to look at the chart daily, you could have bought it at 1.54 because MACD showed a buy signal on June 8, 2011.
If you were to hold until June 23, 2011, you could have dispose it at 2.03 and made a handsome profit. Even if you cannot sell it high, you could have sold it at 1.86.
For 5000 shares, you could make RM 2318, making a 30.1% return in just 12 working days.
You just need to do some homework. It is easy to say but if you want to make money, this is the only way instead of listening to tips from the horsemouth. You have to do homework that many people do not like or want to do. Use METASTOCK explorer function to scan the stocks and pick up the right ones. Maybe be just spend 30 minutes a day after office hours. It is boring but this is quite effective.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.金務大(GAMUDA,主板建築組)5398 4.26 2.96 3.57 3.85 3.74 3.73 3.75
2.高美達(GLOMAC,主板產業組)5020 2.02 1.24 1.64 2.02 1.75 1.77 1.74
3.馬航(MAS,主板貿服組) 3786 2.42 1.34 1.37 1.90 1.40 1.43 1.41
馬航加入世界級的航空組織“寰宇一家”(One World)之後,可能需要訂購更多飛機應付需求,也有助推動馬航未來的盈利及營業額取得雙位數成長表現。
4.UEM置地(UEMLAND,主板產業組) 5148 3.40 1.42 2.63 2.93 2.77 2.75 2.78
5.華商機構(WASEONG,主板工業產品組) 5142 2.52 1.93 2.35 2.83 2.36 2.42 2.35
1.金務大(GAMUDA,主板建築組)5398 4.26 2.96 3.57 3.85 3.74 3.73 3.75
2.高美達(GLOMAC,主板產業組)5020 2.02 1.24 1.64 2.02 1.75 1.77 1.74
3.馬航(MAS,主板貿服組) 3786 2.42 1.34 1.37 1.90 1.40 1.43 1.41
馬航加入世界級的航空組織“寰宇一家”(One World)之後,可能需要訂購更多飛機應付需求,也有助推動馬航未來的盈利及營業額取得雙位數成長表現。
4.UEM置地(UEMLAND,主板產業組) 5148 3.40 1.42 2.63 2.93 2.77 2.75 2.78
5.華商機構(WASEONG,主板工業產品組) 5142 2.52 1.93 2.35 2.83 2.36 2.42 2.35
Monday, June 13, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.益資利金融(ECM) 2143 1.03 0.65 0.855 1.03 0.865 0.875 0.902
2.國油化學(PCHEM) 5183 7.61 5.26 6.96 7.61 7.00 7.05 7.11
3.嘉年發展(MUTIARA) 5043 1.42 0.89 1.21 1.42 1.36 1.37 1.33
4.實達集團(SPSETIA) 8664 6.93 3.90 4.02 4.5 5 4.10 4.15 4.11
5.RCE資本(RCECAP) 9296 0.68 0.48 0.495 0.68 0.515 0.54 0.50
1.益資利金融(ECM) 2143 1.03 0.65 0.855 1.03 0.865 0.875 0.902
2.國油化學(PCHEM) 5183 7.61 5.26 6.96 7.61 7.00 7.05 7.11
3.嘉年發展(MUTIARA) 5043 1.42 0.89 1.21 1.42 1.36 1.37 1.33
4.實達集團(SPSETIA) 8664 6.93 3.90 4.02 4.5 5 4.10 4.15 4.11
5.RCE資本(RCECAP) 9296 0.68 0.48 0.495 0.68 0.515 0.54 0.50
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.史格米工程(SCOMIEN) 7366 1.64 0.74 0.75 0.80 0.83 0.81
2.成榮集團(MUDAJYA) 5085 6.10 3.75 4.48 4.60 4.60 4.63
該公司接獲CMC Machipex私人有限公司一紙7億2000萬令吉的工程意向書,以為曼絨發電廠計劃第四發電站組合以外的輔助設備提供設計和土木工程活動。
3.多元資源工業(DRBHCOM) 1619 2.50 0.995 2.17 2.26 2.25 2.25
4.全利資源(QL) 7084 6.26 2.86 3.16 3.19 3.20 3.33
5.聯昌集團(CIMB) 1023 9.17 6.78 8.11 8.35 8.34 8.28
1.史格米工程(SCOMIEN) 7366 1.64 0.74 0.75 0.80 0.83 0.81
2.成榮集團(MUDAJYA) 5085 6.10 3.75 4.48 4.60 4.60 4.63
該公司接獲CMC Machipex私人有限公司一紙7億2000萬令吉的工程意向書,以為曼絨發電廠計劃第四發電站組合以外的輔助設備提供設計和土木工程活動。
3.多元資源工業(DRBHCOM) 1619 2.50 0.995 2.17 2.26 2.25 2.25
4.全利資源(QL) 7084 6.26 2.86 3.16 3.19 3.20 3.33
5.聯昌集團(CIMB) 1023 9.17 6.78 8.11 8.35 8.34 8.28
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.森那美(SIME) 4197 9.49 7.47 8.78 9.40 9.20 9.13 9.05
2.國油化學(PCHEM) 5183 7.61 5.26 6.83 7.61 7.18 7.12 7.01
3.科恩馬集團(KNM) 7164 3.28 0.39 1.91 3.28 2.44 2.15 2.53
4.雲頂大馬(GENM) 4715 3.84 2.46 3.50 3.84 3.54 3.62 3.58
5.商聯帝沙(UNICO) 5019 1.21 0.90 0.985 1.21 1.01 1.01 1.00
1.森那美(SIME) 4197 9.49 7.47 8.78 9.40 9.20 9.13 9.05
2.國油化學(PCHEM) 5183 7.61 5.26 6.83 7.61 7.18 7.12 7.01
3.科恩馬集團(KNM) 7164 3.28 0.39 1.91 3.28 2.44 2.15 2.53
4.雲頂大馬(GENM) 4715 3.84 2.46 3.50 3.84 3.54 3.62 3.58
5.商聯帝沙(UNICO) 5019 1.21 0.90 0.985 1.21 1.01 1.01 1.00
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.森那美(SIME) 4197 9.19 7.47 8.78 9.49 9.04 9.14 9.00
2.國家能源(TENAGA) 5347 9.29 5.94 5.97 9.29 6.29 6.27 6.07
3.馬頓(MALTON) 6181 0.86 0.35 0.655 0.86 0.80 0.80 0.69
4.大馬投資(AMMB) 1015 7.18 4.65 6.23 7.18 6.49 6.51 6.38
5.MMC機構(MMCCORP) 2194 3.35 2.20 2.56 3.35 2.90 2.89 2.82
1.森那美(SIME) 4197 9.19 7.47 8.78 9.49 9.04 9.14 9.00
2.國家能源(TENAGA) 5347 9.29 5.94 5.97 9.29 6.29 6.27 6.07
3.馬頓(MALTON) 6181 0.86 0.35 0.655 0.86 0.80 0.80 0.69
4.大馬投資(AMMB) 1015 7.18 4.65 6.23 7.18 6.49 6.51 6.38
5.MMC機構(MMCCORP) 2194 3.35 2.20 2.56 3.35 2.90 2.89 2.82
Thursday, May 19, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.睦興旺工程(MUHIBAH) 5703 1.93 0.83 1.44 1.93 1.50 1.61 1.55
2.馬來亞銀行(MAYBANK) 1155 9.38 6.94 8.57 9.38 8.77 8.85 8.71
3.TRC協作(TRC) 5054 1.81 1.00 1.58 1.18 1.70 1.80 1.62
4.戴樂集團(DIALOG) 7277 2.84 1.00 2.42 1.84 2.78 2.80 2.55
5.肯油企業(KENCANA) 5.22 2.96 1.26 2.63 2.96 2.77 2.75 2.69
1.睦興旺工程(MUHIBAH) 5703 1.93 0.83 1.44 1.93 1.50 1.61 1.55
2.馬來亞銀行(MAYBANK) 1155 9.38 6.94 8.57 9.38 8.77 8.85 8.71
3.TRC協作(TRC) 5054 1.81 1.00 1.58 1.18 1.70 1.80 1.62
4.戴樂集團(DIALOG) 7277 2.84 1.00 2.42 1.84 2.78 2.80 2.55
5.肯油企業(KENCANA) 5.22 2.96 1.26 2.63 2.96 2.77 2.75 2.69
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.企文科技(K1,創業板) 0111 1.73 0.28 0.28 0.445 0.40 0.40 0.41
基金經理所留意的股項,10天保歷加頻帶(Bollinger Band)仍未出示買入訊號,因此日本陰陽燭皆在中軸線以下,處於調整趨勢。
2.達企業(TA,主板金融組) 4898 0.86 0.62 0.67 0.78 0.725 0.725 0.734
3.富達置地(DUTALND,主板種植組) 3948 0.658 0.40 0.415 0.655 0.49 0.49 0.51
4.肯油企業(KENCANA,主板貿服組) 5122 2.96 1.26 2.23 2.91 2.64 2.68 2.67
5.美麗華工業(MELEWAR,主板工業產品組) 3778 1.23 0.82 0.775 1.23 0.86 0.855 0.91
1.企文科技(K1,創業板) 0111 1.73 0.28 0.28 0.445 0.40 0.40 0.41
基金經理所留意的股項,10天保歷加頻帶(Bollinger Band)仍未出示買入訊號,因此日本陰陽燭皆在中軸線以下,處於調整趨勢。
2.達企業(TA,主板金融組) 4898 0.86 0.62 0.67 0.78 0.725 0.725 0.734
3.富達置地(DUTALND,主板種植組) 3948 0.658 0.40 0.415 0.655 0.49 0.49 0.51
4.肯油企業(KENCANA,主板貿服組) 5122 2.96 1.26 2.23 2.91 2.64 2.68 2.67
5.美麗華工業(MELEWAR,主板工業產品組) 3778 1.23 0.82 0.775 1.23 0.86 0.855 0.91
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.海事重工(MHB,主板貿服組) 5186 7.15 4.12 6.71 7.15 6.90 6.80 6.85
2.友力森(UNISEM,主板科技組) 5005 3.53 1.68 1.68 2.32 1.83 1.86 1.97
3.MASTERSKILL教育(MEGB,主板貿服組) 5166 4.30 1.67 1.67 4.30 2.32 2.27 2.20
4.華商機構(WASEONG,主板工業產品組) 5142 2.57 1.93 2.07 2.59 2.25 2.23 2.13
5.實值國際(PWORTH,主板工業產品組) 7123 0.885 0.43 0.60 0.885 0.69 0.68 0.64
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.海事重工(MHB,主板貿服組) 5186 7.15 4.12 6.71 7.15 6.90 6.80 6.85
2.友力森(UNISEM,主板科技組) 5005 3.53 1.68 1.68 2.32 1.83 1.86 1.97
3.MASTERSKILL教育(MEGB,主板貿服組) 5166 4.30 1.67 1.67 4.30 2.32 2.27 2.20
4.華商機構(WASEONG,主板工業產品組) 5142 2.57 1.93 2.07 2.59 2.25 2.23 2.13
5.實值國際(PWORTH,主板工業產品組) 7123 0.885 0.43 0.60 0.885 0.69 0.68 0.64
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
交易點 交易點 走勢 差價 天數 買賣8000股凈賺
1.26(低)2010年11月25日 1.92(高)12月13日 上升 +0.66 18天 $5092
1.92(高)12月13日 1.75(低)12月17日 下跌 -0.17 4天 沒有交易
1.75(低)12月17日 1.99(高)12月21日 上升 +0.24 4天 $1700
1.99(高)12月21日 1.90(低)12月30日 下跌 -0.09 9天 沒有交易
1.90(低)12月30日 2.27(高)2011年1月7日 上升 +0.37 8天 $2714
2.27(高)1月7日 1.86(低)1月26日 下跌 -0.41 19天 沒有交易
1.86(低)1月26日 2.22(高)2月9日 上升 +0.36 14天 $2641
2.22(高)2月9日 2.02(低)2月16日 下跌 -0.20 7天 沒有交易
2.02(低)2月16日 2.19(高)2月21日 上升 +0.17 5天 $1112
2.19(高)2月21日 1.69(低)3月3日 下跌 -0.50 10天 沒有交易
1.69(低)3月3日 2.10(高)3月9日 上升 +0.41 6天 $3057
2.10(高)3月9日 1.81(低) 3月15日 下跌 -0.29 6天 沒有交易
1.81(低) 3月15日 2.50(高)4月7日 上升 +0.69 23天 $5266
此股下跌的機會仍舊很大,因為指數平滑移動平均數異同(MACD)在4月12日已經出示沽售訊號,但看10天保曆加頻帶(Bollinger Band)的訊號,股價在中軸線以上,股價偏上漲。
交易點 交易點 走勢 差價 天數 買賣8000股凈賺
1.26(低)2010年11月25日 1.92(高)12月13日 上升 +0.66 18天 $5092
1.92(高)12月13日 1.75(低)12月17日 下跌 -0.17 4天 沒有交易
1.75(低)12月17日 1.99(高)12月21日 上升 +0.24 4天 $1700
1.99(高)12月21日 1.90(低)12月30日 下跌 -0.09 9天 沒有交易
1.90(低)12月30日 2.27(高)2011年1月7日 上升 +0.37 8天 $2714
2.27(高)1月7日 1.86(低)1月26日 下跌 -0.41 19天 沒有交易
1.86(低)1月26日 2.22(高)2月9日 上升 +0.36 14天 $2641
2.22(高)2月9日 2.02(低)2月16日 下跌 -0.20 7天 沒有交易
2.02(低)2月16日 2.19(高)2月21日 上升 +0.17 5天 $1112
2.19(高)2月21日 1.69(低)3月3日 下跌 -0.50 10天 沒有交易
1.69(低)3月3日 2.10(高)3月9日 上升 +0.41 6天 $3057
2.10(高)3月9日 1.81(低) 3月15日 下跌 -0.29 6天 沒有交易
1.81(低) 3月15日 2.50(高)4月7日 上升 +0.69 23天 $5266
此股下跌的機會仍舊很大,因為指數平滑移動平均數異同(MACD)在4月12日已經出示沽售訊號,但看10天保曆加頻帶(Bollinger Band)的訊號,股價在中軸線以上,股價偏上漲。
Monday, April 25, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.TRC協作(TRC,主板建築組) 5054 1.69 1.00 1.51 1.69 1.62 1.57 1.56
2.大馬郵政(POS,主板貿服組)4634 3.74 2.48 3.35 3.74 3.40 3.37 3.50
3.TH種植(THPLANT,主板種植組)5112 2.28 1.40 1.88 2.28 2.16 2.18 2.15
4.和達工業資源(HPI,主板工業產品組) 7919 3.79 1.35 3.43 3.95 3.63 3.70 3.55
該公司或被亞洲王子制紙私人有限公司(OJI Papar Asia Sdn.Bhd)收購,此股目前有機會上探3.74-3.95令吉關口。
5.馬來西亞鋼廠(MASTEEL,主板工業產品組) 5098 1.60 0.825 - - 1.37 1.40
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.TRC協作(TRC,主板建築組) 5054 1.69 1.00 1.51 1.69 1.62 1.57 1.56
2.大馬郵政(POS,主板貿服組)4634 3.74 2.48 3.35 3.74 3.40 3.37 3.50
3.TH種植(THPLANT,主板種植組)5112 2.28 1.40 1.88 2.28 2.16 2.18 2.15
4.和達工業資源(HPI,主板工業產品組) 7919 3.79 1.35 3.43 3.95 3.63 3.70 3.55
該公司或被亞洲王子制紙私人有限公司(OJI Papar Asia Sdn.Bhd)收購,此股目前有機會上探3.74-3.95令吉關口。
5.馬來西亞鋼廠(MASTEEL,主板工業產品組) 5098 1.60 0.825 - - 1.37 1.40
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.馬化控股(MPHB) 3859 2.97 1.90 2.71 2.97 2.79 2.84 2.76
2.楊忠禮機構(YTL) 4677 8.60 6.88 7.40 8.60 7.62 7.72 7.50
3.環境海事資源(ALAM) 5115 1.91 0.87 0.985 1.24 1.02 1.01 1.02
4.MASTERSKILL教育(MEGB) 5166 4.30 1.67 1.67 2.47 2.38 2.26 2.17
5.UEM置地(UEMLAND) 5148 3.40 1.21 2.64 3.40 2.70 2.68 2.81
股項 代號 高 低 支持 阻力 開 閉 14日平均價
1.馬化控股(MPHB) 3859 2.97 1.90 2.71 2.97 2.79 2.84 2.76
2.楊忠禮機構(YTL) 4677 8.60 6.88 7.40 8.60 7.62 7.72 7.50
3.環境海事資源(ALAM) 5115 1.91 0.87 0.985 1.24 1.02 1.01 1.02
4.MASTERSKILL教育(MEGB) 5166 4.30 1.67 1.67 2.47 2.38 2.26 2.17
5.UEM置地(UEMLAND) 5148 3.40 1.21 2.64 3.40 2.70 2.68 2.81
Friday, April 15, 2011
馬股市情報 內外夾攻
更新: April 15, 2011 17:58
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
交易點 交易點 走勢 差價 天數 買賣/萬股賺面
0.65(低)2010年7月13日 0.735(高)(8月6日) 向上 +0.085 24天 $746
0.735(高)(8月6日) 0.67(低)(8月12日) 向下 -0.065 6天 (沒有交易)
0.67(低)(8月12日) 0.755(高)(8月16日) 向上 +0.085 4天 $745
0.755(高)(8月16日) 0.795(低)(8月25日) 向下 -0.08 9天 (沒有交易)
0.675(低)(8月25日) 0.795(高)(11月10日) 向上 +0.12 77天 $1092
0.795(高)(11月10日) 0.71(低)(12月3日) 向下 -0.085 23天 (沒有交易)
0.71(低)(12月3日) 0.825(高)(12月14日) 向上 +0.115 11天 $1036
0.825(高)(12月14日) 0.75(低)(12月20日) 向下 -0.075 6天 (沒有交易)
0.75(低)(12月20日) 0.85(高)(2011年1月12日) 向上 +0.10 23天 $882
0.85(高)(1月12日) 0.745(低)(2月25日) 向下 -0.105 44天 (沒有交易)
0.745(低)(2月25日) 0.79(高)(3月9日) 向上 +0.045 12天 $337
0.79(高)(3月9日) 0.75(低)(3月21日) 向下 -0.04 12天 (沒有交易)
0.75(低)(3月21日) ●●●(高)(4月5日) 向上 +0.245 15天 $2322
今日(4月5日) 此股以0.96開出,最高價0.995,最低0.94,也是收市價位。
交易點 交易點 走勢 差價 天數 買賣/萬股賺面
0.65(低)2010年7月13日 0.735(高)(8月6日) 向上 +0.085 24天 $746
0.735(高)(8月6日) 0.67(低)(8月12日) 向下 -0.065 6天 (沒有交易)
0.67(低)(8月12日) 0.755(高)(8月16日) 向上 +0.085 4天 $745
0.755(高)(8月16日) 0.795(低)(8月25日) 向下 -0.08 9天 (沒有交易)
0.675(低)(8月25日) 0.795(高)(11月10日) 向上 +0.12 77天 $1092
0.795(高)(11月10日) 0.71(低)(12月3日) 向下 -0.085 23天 (沒有交易)
0.71(低)(12月3日) 0.825(高)(12月14日) 向上 +0.115 11天 $1036
0.825(高)(12月14日) 0.75(低)(12月20日) 向下 -0.075 6天 (沒有交易)
0.75(低)(12月20日) 0.85(高)(2011年1月12日) 向上 +0.10 23天 $882
0.85(高)(1月12日) 0.745(低)(2月25日) 向下 -0.105 44天 (沒有交易)
0.745(低)(2月25日) 0.79(高)(3月9日) 向上 +0.045 12天 $337
0.79(高)(3月9日) 0.75(低)(3月21日) 向下 -0.04 12天 (沒有交易)
0.75(低)(3月21日) ●●●(高)(4月5日) 向上 +0.245 15天 $2322
今日(4月5日) 此股以0.96開出,最高價0.995,最低0.94,也是收市價位。
2011/03/31 5:44:39 PM
Blogger: As at April 6, 2011 4:57 pm, Tomypak is priced at 1.09.
2011/03/31 5:44:39 PM
Blogger: As at April 6, 2011 4:57 pm, Tomypak is priced at 1.09.
捷运隧道衬砌管片合约 金轮企业竞标料出线
2011/03/31 10:43:15 AM
Blogger: As at April 6, 2011 4:53pm, Kimlun is priced at 1.94
Blogger: As at April 6, 2011 4:53pm, Kimlun is priced at 1.94
Friday, April 1, 2011
FBM KLCI closes higher
Published: Friday April 1, 2011 MYT 9:36:00 AM
Updated: Friday April 1, 2011 MYT 5:21:31 PM
FBM KLCI closes higher
KUALA LUMPUR: The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) rose 10.25 points or 0.66% to close at 1555.38 points on Friday.
Sime was up 9 sen to RM9.32; Axiata rose 8 sen to RM4.87; YTL surged 6 sen to RM7.50 while CIMB jumped 14 sen to RM8.34.
Asian markets were mixed.
Nikkei 225 was down 46.71 to 9708.39; Hang Seng Index jumped 274.38 to 23801.90; Straits Times Index rose 20.27 to 3126.12; Taiwan Taiex Index increased 21.83 to 8705.13 while Kospi Index surged 14.31 to 2121.01.
Nymex crude oil in electronic trade surged 47 cents to US$107.19 per barrel.
Spot gold rose US$2.17 to US$1435.07 per ounce.
The ringgit was quoted at 3.0255 to the US dollar.
Updated: Friday April 1, 2011 MYT 5:21:31 PM
FBM KLCI closes higher
KUALA LUMPUR: The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) rose 10.25 points or 0.66% to close at 1555.38 points on Friday.
Sime was up 9 sen to RM9.32; Axiata rose 8 sen to RM4.87; YTL surged 6 sen to RM7.50 while CIMB jumped 14 sen to RM8.34.
Asian markets were mixed.
Nikkei 225 was down 46.71 to 9708.39; Hang Seng Index jumped 274.38 to 23801.90; Straits Times Index rose 20.27 to 3126.12; Taiwan Taiex Index increased 21.83 to 8705.13 while Kospi Index surged 14.31 to 2121.01.
Nymex crude oil in electronic trade surged 47 cents to US$107.19 per barrel.
Spot gold rose US$2.17 to US$1435.07 per ounce.
The ringgit was quoted at 3.0255 to the US dollar.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
財年 Mar07 Mar08 Mar09 Mar10
賺益(百萬令吉) 49.40 41.96 26.03 27.97
每股產值 1.60 1.71 1.84 1.84
交易點 交易點 走勢 差價 天數 買賣1萬股凈賺
0.855(低)2010年3月22日 1.10(高)4月5日 上升 +0.245 14天 $2305
1.10(高)4月5日 0.83(低)5月25日 下跌 -0.27 50天 沒有交易
0.83(低)5月25日 0.935(高)5月27日 上升 +0.105 2天 $919
0.935(高)5月27日 0.85(低)7月7日 下跌 -0.085 41天 沒有交易
0.85(低)7月7日 1.04(高)8月24日 上升 +0.19 48天 $1760
1.04(高)8月24日 0.94(低)9月3日 下跌 -0.10 10天 沒有交易
0.94(低)9月3日 1.15(高)10月14日 上升 +0.21 41天 $1946
1.15(高)10月14日 0.98(低)12月6日 下跌 -0.17 53天 沒有交易
0.98(低)12月6日 1.22(高)2011年1月13日 上升 +0.24 38天 $2238
1.22(高)1月13日 1.05(低)1月31日 下跌 -0.17 18天 沒有交易
1.05(低)1月31日 1.21(高)2月16日 上升 +0.16 16天 $1433
1.21(高)2月16日 1.05(低)3月3日 下跌 -0.16 15天 沒有交易
1.05(低)3月3日 1.32(高)3月17日 上升 +0.27 14天 $2525
財年 Mar07 Mar08 Mar09 Mar10
賺益(百萬令吉) 49.40 41.96 26.03 27.97
每股產值 1.60 1.71 1.84 1.84
交易點 交易點 走勢 差價 天數 買賣1萬股凈賺
0.855(低)2010年3月22日 1.10(高)4月5日 上升 +0.245 14天 $2305
1.10(高)4月5日 0.83(低)5月25日 下跌 -0.27 50天 沒有交易
0.83(低)5月25日 0.935(高)5月27日 上升 +0.105 2天 $919
0.935(高)5月27日 0.85(低)7月7日 下跌 -0.085 41天 沒有交易
0.85(低)7月7日 1.04(高)8月24日 上升 +0.19 48天 $1760
1.04(高)8月24日 0.94(低)9月3日 下跌 -0.10 10天 沒有交易
0.94(低)9月3日 1.15(高)10月14日 上升 +0.21 41天 $1946
1.15(高)10月14日 0.98(低)12月6日 下跌 -0.17 53天 沒有交易
0.98(低)12月6日 1.22(高)2011年1月13日 上升 +0.24 38天 $2238
1.22(高)1月13日 1.05(低)1月31日 下跌 -0.17 18天 沒有交易
1.05(低)1月31日 1.21(高)2月16日 上升 +0.16 16天 $1433
1.21(高)2月16日 1.05(低)3月3日 下跌 -0.16 15天 沒有交易
1.05(低)3月3日 1.32(高)3月17日 上升 +0.27 14天 $2525
Friday, March 11, 2011
交易點 交易點 走勢 差價 天數 買賣1萬股賺面
0.835(買)2010年7月21日 1.59(賣)8月11日 上升 +0.755 21天 $7372
1.59(賣)8月11日 1.23(買)8月25日 下跌 -0.36 14天 不做交易
1.23(買)8月25日 1.86(賣)9月17日 上升 +0.63 23天 $6073.33
1.86(賣)9月17日 1.53(買)9月30日 下跌 -0.33 13天 不做交易
1.53(買)9月30日 1.98(賣)10月12日 上升 +0.45 12天 $4242.87
1.98(賣)10月12日 1.79(買)12月15日 下跌 -0.19 64天 不做交易
1.79(買)12月15日 2.54(賣)2011年1月6日 上升 +0.75 22天 $7183.21
2.54(賣)1月6日 2.32(買)1月14日 下跌 -0.22 8天 不做交易
2.32(買)1月14日 3.73(賣)2月7日 上升 +1.41 24天 $13656.85
3.73(賣)2月7日 1.69(買)3月2日 下跌 -2.04 23天 不做交易
交易點 交易點 走勢 差價 天數 買賣1萬股賺面
0.835(買)2010年7月21日 1.59(賣)8月11日 上升 +0.755 21天 $7372
1.59(賣)8月11日 1.23(買)8月25日 下跌 -0.36 14天 不做交易
1.23(買)8月25日 1.86(賣)9月17日 上升 +0.63 23天 $6073.33
1.86(賣)9月17日 1.53(買)9月30日 下跌 -0.33 13天 不做交易
1.53(買)9月30日 1.98(賣)10月12日 上升 +0.45 12天 $4242.87
1.98(賣)10月12日 1.79(買)12月15日 下跌 -0.19 64天 不做交易
1.79(買)12月15日 2.54(賣)2011年1月6日 上升 +0.75 22天 $7183.21
2.54(賣)1月6日 2.32(買)1月14日 下跌 -0.22 8天 不做交易
2.32(買)1月14日 3.73(賣)2月7日 上升 +1.41 24天 $13656.85
3.73(賣)2月7日 1.69(買)3月2日 下跌 -2.04 23天 不做交易
沙地鎮壓.日本地震 區域股跌馬股挫22點
更新: March 11, 2011 18:05
道瓊斯指數跌近1.9%,收在1萬1984.6點,寫下去年8月11日以來新低;S&P 500指數同樣跌近1.9%,報1295.11點,為今年1月以來最低水平。
道瓊斯指數跌近1.9%,收在1萬1984.6點,寫下去年8月11日以來新低;S&P 500指數同樣跌近1.9%,報1295.11點,為今年1月以來最低水平。
Thursday, March 3, 2011
引入交易通機制 不涉人幣新股 港元下半年可買人幣證券
引入交易通機制 不涉人幣新股 港元下半年可買人幣證券
3月 3日 星期四 05:30 更新
「人證港幣交易通」的運作,是投資者可利用港元,透過參與該機制的證券商,證券商從參與銀行兌換人民幣,用於人民幣證券的結算交收。而投資者在 沽出人民幣證券後,須向「交易通」退還人民幣,只能取回等值港元,整個機制於中央結算及交收系統內操作,即所謂「港元入、港元出」確保「交易通」的人民幣 不會流出機制外,而兌換的匯率按市場釐定。港交所僅擔任中間人的角色,並不涉及對手風險。
、 至於「交易通」的人民幣資金規模,會與相關證券的市值掛鹇,將維持在香港人民幣資金總額內一個健康及適當的水平。李小加在業績會上表示,港交所 尚未收到人民幣新股的申請,但接獲一些查詢,他又認為「交易通」作為支援人民幣證券的後備設施,人民幣證券毋須一定要有「交易通」後才能推出。他預期, 「交易通」規模會隨著人民幣證券的規模及需求逐步增加。
李小加稱,投資者使用「交易通」機制亦涉及成本。據了解回報。而「交易通」的主要風險在其人民幣資金流程。由於「交易通」會在夥伴銀行和經紀間 以背對背的形式管理人民幣及港元的資金流程,因此有關風險應屬可控。交易所會確保有足夠的風險管理措施,減低「交易通」運作產生的相關風險。
被問及是否有興趣參與「交易通」,工銀亞洲董事兼副總經理黃遠輝表示,未獲港交所就「交易通」事宜接洽,他稱該行對人民幣有關業務都感興趣,但 目前銀行既已有人民幣兌換服務,客戶開設人民幣帳戶亦很容易,質疑是否需另設「交易通」提供兌匯。他相信「交易通」雖有原則性框架,細節仍要由港交所跟銀 行開會商討,技術問題包括投資者賣出股票後,如何區分哪些人民幣回流「交易通」,哪些存至人民幣銀行帳戶。
SJ Securities (012-6597910 KC)宣布,推出名為「新證馬幣交易通」及「港證馬幣交易通」的新幣及美金資金池機制,讓在沒有戶頭的投資者,通過該機制將馬幣兌換新加坡幣,或將馬幣兌換美金, 購買新加坡幣計價證券,或購買美金計價證券,但在售出股票後亦只能取回馬幣。
目前客戶對兩只股有興趣,即新加坡云頂(Genting SP ) 和香港云頂(Genting Hong Kong Ltd)(GenHK:SP).
新加坡云頂(Genting SP) 是以新加坡幣計價證券, 香港云頂(Genting Hong Kong Ltd)(GenHK:SP). 則是以買美金計價證券, 兩者皆在新加坡交易所上市.
3月 3日 星期四 05:30 更新
「人證港幣交易通」的運作,是投資者可利用港元,透過參與該機制的證券商,證券商從參與銀行兌換人民幣,用於人民幣證券的結算交收。而投資者在 沽出人民幣證券後,須向「交易通」退還人民幣,只能取回等值港元,整個機制於中央結算及交收系統內操作,即所謂「港元入、港元出」確保「交易通」的人民幣 不會流出機制外,而兌換的匯率按市場釐定。港交所僅擔任中間人的角色,並不涉及對手風險。
、 至於「交易通」的人民幣資金規模,會與相關證券的市值掛鹇,將維持在香港人民幣資金總額內一個健康及適當的水平。李小加在業績會上表示,港交所 尚未收到人民幣新股的申請,但接獲一些查詢,他又認為「交易通」作為支援人民幣證券的後備設施,人民幣證券毋須一定要有「交易通」後才能推出。他預期, 「交易通」規模會隨著人民幣證券的規模及需求逐步增加。
李小加稱,投資者使用「交易通」機制亦涉及成本。據了解回報。而「交易通」的主要風險在其人民幣資金流程。由於「交易通」會在夥伴銀行和經紀間 以背對背的形式管理人民幣及港元的資金流程,因此有關風險應屬可控。交易所會確保有足夠的風險管理措施,減低「交易通」運作產生的相關風險。
被問及是否有興趣參與「交易通」,工銀亞洲董事兼副總經理黃遠輝表示,未獲港交所就「交易通」事宜接洽,他稱該行對人民幣有關業務都感興趣,但 目前銀行既已有人民幣兌換服務,客戶開設人民幣帳戶亦很容易,質疑是否需另設「交易通」提供兌匯。他相信「交易通」雖有原則性框架,細節仍要由港交所跟銀 行開會商討,技術問題包括投資者賣出股票後,如何區分哪些人民幣回流「交易通」,哪些存至人民幣銀行帳戶。
SJ Securities (012-6597910 KC)宣布,推出名為「新證馬幣交易通」及「港證馬幣交易通」的新幣及美金資金池機制,讓在沒有戶頭的投資者,通過該機制將馬幣兌換新加坡幣,或將馬幣兌換美金, 購買新加坡幣計價證券,或購買美金計價證券,但在售出股票後亦只能取回馬幣。
目前客戶對兩只股有興趣,即新加坡云頂(Genting SP ) 和香港云頂(Genting Hong Kong Ltd)(GenHK:SP).
新加坡云頂(Genting SP) 是以新加坡幣計價證券, 香港云頂(Genting Hong Kong Ltd)(GenHK:SP). 則是以買美金計價證券, 兩者皆在新加坡交易所上市.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
FBM KLCI finishes day lower
Published: Wednesday March 2, 2011 MYT 9:53:00 AM
Updated: Wednesday March 2, 2011 MYT 5:26:29 PM
FBM KLCI finishes day lower
KUALA LUMPUR:The FBM KLCI finished trade on Wednesday lower 0.20% or 2.96 points to 1,499.28 after some selling of key blue chips.
Asian stock markets also ended the day largely in the red after crude oil prices remained high at more than US$100 per barrel.
At Bursa,market breadth was negative with only 117 counters up while 796 finished lower.
Commodity-related counters led the losers list.
Updated: Wednesday March 2, 2011 MYT 5:26:29 PM
FBM KLCI finishes day lower
KUALA LUMPUR:The FBM KLCI finished trade on Wednesday lower 0.20% or 2.96 points to 1,499.28 after some selling of key blue chips.
Asian stock markets also ended the day largely in the red after crude oil prices remained high at more than US$100 per barrel.
At Bursa,market breadth was negative with only 117 counters up while 796 finished lower.
Commodity-related counters led the losers list.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
財年 Dec07 Dec08 Dec09 Am10
賺益(百萬令吉) 32.00 -0.17 72.22 38.019
每股產值 0.91 0.88 1.04 2.41
交易點 交易點 上升/下跌 差價 天數 買賣1萬股賺
1.19(低)2010年5月25日 1.45(高)6月22日 上升 +0.26 28天 $2406.68
1.45(高)6月22日 1.31(低)6月29日 下跌 -0.14 7天 --(不做交易)
1.31(低)6月29日 1.46(高)7月30日 上升 +0.15 31天 $1296.49
1.46(高)7月30日 1.31(低)8月25日 下跌 -0.15 26天 --(不做交易)
1.31(低)8月25日 1.54(高)10月27日 上升 +0.23 63天 $2090.45
1.54(高)10月27日 1.29(低)12月3日 下跌 -0.25 37天 --(不做交易)
1.29(低)12月3日 1.52(高)2011年1月7日 上升 +0.23 35天 $2093.97
財年 Dec07 Dec08 Dec09 Am10
賺益(百萬令吉) 32.00 -0.17 72.22 38.019
每股產值 0.91 0.88 1.04 2.41
交易點 交易點 上升/下跌 差價 天數 買賣1萬股賺
1.19(低)2010年5月25日 1.45(高)6月22日 上升 +0.26 28天 $2406.68
1.45(高)6月22日 1.31(低)6月29日 下跌 -0.14 7天 --(不做交易)
1.31(低)6月29日 1.46(高)7月30日 上升 +0.15 31天 $1296.49
1.46(高)7月30日 1.31(低)8月25日 下跌 -0.15 26天 --(不做交易)
1.31(低)8月25日 1.54(高)10月27日 上升 +0.23 63天 $2090.45
1.54(高)10月27日 1.29(低)12月3日 下跌 -0.25 37天 --(不做交易)
1.29(低)12月3日 1.52(高)2011年1月7日 上升 +0.23 35天 $2093.97
Monday, February 28, 2011
KL shares slightly up on Monday
KL shares slightly up on Monday
Published: 2011/02/28
Share prices on Bursa Malaysia reversed its early losses in the midafternoon session, with the key FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI increasing 1.98 points to 1,491.25.
It had opened 4.13 points higher at 1,493.40 and had move to an intra-morning low of 1.474.38.
However, sentiments on the broader market remained weak.
Dealers said the market was able to rebound as investors bought into selected heavyweights including MISC, DiGi, Petronas Dagangan and Telekom Malaysia.
Telekom's shares advanced 14 sen to RM3.99 after the company said it planned a capital distribution to shareholders of about RM1.04 billion or 29 sen a share.
Market breath was negative with 228 gainers, 626 losers and 223 counters unchanged. A total of 1163.356 million shares worth RM2.04 billion were traded.
Among active counters, Tanco Holdings declined one and half sen to 38.5 sen, while Ho Wah Genting and Jotech were also down at 64.5 sen and 14 sen, respectively.
For heavyweights, Maybank also lost two sens to RM8.62, while CIMB fell one sen to RM8.06 and Sime Darby erased three sen to RM8.96.
Published: 2011/02/28
Share prices on Bursa Malaysia reversed its early losses in the midafternoon session, with the key FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI increasing 1.98 points to 1,491.25.
It had opened 4.13 points higher at 1,493.40 and had move to an intra-morning low of 1.474.38.
However, sentiments on the broader market remained weak.
Dealers said the market was able to rebound as investors bought into selected heavyweights including MISC, DiGi, Petronas Dagangan and Telekom Malaysia.
Telekom's shares advanced 14 sen to RM3.99 after the company said it planned a capital distribution to shareholders of about RM1.04 billion or 29 sen a share.
Market breath was negative with 228 gainers, 626 losers and 223 counters unchanged. A total of 1163.356 million shares worth RM2.04 billion were traded.
Among active counters, Tanco Holdings declined one and half sen to 38.5 sen, while Ho Wah Genting and Jotech were also down at 64.5 sen and 14 sen, respectively.
For heavyweights, Maybank also lost two sens to RM8.62, while CIMB fell one sen to RM8.06 and Sime Darby erased three sen to RM8.96.
Friday, February 25, 2011
FBM KLCI closes lower on Friday
Published: Friday February 25, 2011 MYT 9:44:00 AM
Updated: Friday February 25, 2011 MYT 5:29:11 PM
FBM KLCI closes lower
KUALA LUMPUR: The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) dropped 0.60 point or 0.04% to close at 1489.27 points on Friday.
SIME rose 2 sen to RM9.04; Axiata was up 2 sen to RM4.87; YTL surged 6 sen to RM7.12; IOI jumped 3 sen to RM5.46 while KLK dropped 58 sen to RM20.20.
Asian markets were up. Tokyo's Nikkei 225 rose 74.05 to 10526.76; Hang Seng Index increased 411.33 to 23012.37; Straits Times Index was up 48.62 to 3021.70; Taiwan Taiex Index surged 58.01 to 8599.65 while Kospi Index was up 13.55 to 1963.43.
Nymex crude oil in electronic trade rose 52 cents to US$97.80 per barrel.
Spot gold jumped 85 cents to US$1403.72 per ounce.
The ringgit was quoted at 3.0523 to the US dollar.
Updated: Friday February 25, 2011 MYT 5:29:11 PM
FBM KLCI closes lower
KUALA LUMPUR: The FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (FBM KLCI) dropped 0.60 point or 0.04% to close at 1489.27 points on Friday.
SIME rose 2 sen to RM9.04; Axiata was up 2 sen to RM4.87; YTL surged 6 sen to RM7.12; IOI jumped 3 sen to RM5.46 while KLK dropped 58 sen to RM20.20.
Asian markets were up. Tokyo's Nikkei 225 rose 74.05 to 10526.76; Hang Seng Index increased 411.33 to 23012.37; Straits Times Index was up 48.62 to 3021.70; Taiwan Taiex Index surged 58.01 to 8599.65 while Kospi Index was up 13.55 to 1963.43.
Nymex crude oil in electronic trade rose 52 cents to US$97.80 per barrel.
Spot gold jumped 85 cents to US$1403.72 per ounce.
The ringgit was quoted at 3.0523 to the US dollar.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
More downside seen for local market
Thursday February 24, 2011
More downside seen for local market
PETALING JAYA: It may not be the time for bargain hunting yet as there is more downside to the local stock market due to negative external factors.
“It's best to wait it out, the risks are still simmering in the background,” Jupiter Research head Pong Teng Siew said.
A technical market analyst said that with the prevailing external uncertainty and frail sentiment in the region continuing to weigh on the local bourse, compounded by the bearish reading from short-term technical indicators, share prices looked likely to stay in consolidation mode in the intermediate term.
“And they look in great danger of carving out a downtrend channel going forward,” he told StarBiz yesterday.
Investors appeared to be staying at the sidelines yesterday with only 1.7 billion shares being traded compared to the average daily volume of more than 2 billion at the start of the year.
The local benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI had yesterday shed more than 10 points in intra-day trading before finishing at 1,511.11, 2.52 points or 0.17% lower, dragged down mostly by plantation stocks affected by lower crude palm oil prices.
Airline stocks, AirAsia Bhd and Malaysia Airlines, extended Tuesday's losses on high oil prices, losing 6 sen and 2 sen each to RM2.48 and RM2 respectively.
Based on the daily bar chart, Bursa Malaysia has been in correction process since peaking out at an all-time high of 1,576.95 on Jan 6.
“Pivotal support floor is pegged at the recent lows of 1,490.44, followed by 1.474.02 points,” said the technical analyst.
As for the upside, the FBM KLCI would be facing stiff resistance at the 21-day simple moving average (SMA) of 1,524 and 50-day SMA of 1,529, of which a successful penetration will indicate the end of the current correction phase, he said.
“Logically, a new leg of uptrend, or bullish reversal formation would follow suit, if buying momentum remains strong after the positive breakout,” he added.
Pong said that until a clear resolution to the ongoing political turmoil in the Middle East and North African regions was established, market players should be cautious.
“Once there is clear resolution, I believe the market will continue with its uptrend. There is enough liquidity in the system for that,” he said.
Markets worldwide had taken a beating in recent weeks with sentiment turning sour following anti-government protests in the Middle East and North Africa, market downgrades and natural disasters.
Meanwhile, oil prices have peaked to over US$95 per barrel on supply concerns as both the Middle East and North Africa regions are oil-producing regions.
Investors had been taking profit in Asian markets, which registered healthy gains last year, since last month and these recent negative external factors coupled with inflationary pressure in the Asian region were giving them all the more reason to do so, analysts said.
More downside seen for local market
PETALING JAYA: It may not be the time for bargain hunting yet as there is more downside to the local stock market due to negative external factors.
“It's best to wait it out, the risks are still simmering in the background,” Jupiter Research head Pong Teng Siew said.
A technical market analyst said that with the prevailing external uncertainty and frail sentiment in the region continuing to weigh on the local bourse, compounded by the bearish reading from short-term technical indicators, share prices looked likely to stay in consolidation mode in the intermediate term.
“And they look in great danger of carving out a downtrend channel going forward,” he told StarBiz yesterday.
Investors appeared to be staying at the sidelines yesterday with only 1.7 billion shares being traded compared to the average daily volume of more than 2 billion at the start of the year.
The local benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI had yesterday shed more than 10 points in intra-day trading before finishing at 1,511.11, 2.52 points or 0.17% lower, dragged down mostly by plantation stocks affected by lower crude palm oil prices.
Airline stocks, AirAsia Bhd and Malaysia Airlines, extended Tuesday's losses on high oil prices, losing 6 sen and 2 sen each to RM2.48 and RM2 respectively.
Based on the daily bar chart, Bursa Malaysia has been in correction process since peaking out at an all-time high of 1,576.95 on Jan 6.
“Pivotal support floor is pegged at the recent lows of 1,490.44, followed by 1.474.02 points,” said the technical analyst.
As for the upside, the FBM KLCI would be facing stiff resistance at the 21-day simple moving average (SMA) of 1,524 and 50-day SMA of 1,529, of which a successful penetration will indicate the end of the current correction phase, he said.
“Logically, a new leg of uptrend, or bullish reversal formation would follow suit, if buying momentum remains strong after the positive breakout,” he added.
Pong said that until a clear resolution to the ongoing political turmoil in the Middle East and North African regions was established, market players should be cautious.
“Once there is clear resolution, I believe the market will continue with its uptrend. There is enough liquidity in the system for that,” he said.
Markets worldwide had taken a beating in recent weeks with sentiment turning sour following anti-government protests in the Middle East and North Africa, market downgrades and natural disasters.
Meanwhile, oil prices have peaked to over US$95 per barrel on supply concerns as both the Middle East and North Africa regions are oil-producing regions.
Investors had been taking profit in Asian markets, which registered healthy gains last year, since last month and these recent negative external factors coupled with inflationary pressure in the Asian region were giving them all the more reason to do so, analysts said.
Monday, February 21, 2011
FBM KLCI in consolidation mode
Published: Monday February 21, 2011 MYT 11:22:00 AM
Updated: Monday February 21, 2011 MYT 5:17:00 PM
FBM KLCI in consolidation mode
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI continued with its consolidation, amid escalating unrest in the Middle East and China, and an early surge in crude oil prices.
In Malaysia, news of the MRT continued to hog the headlines. Last week, during the display of the MRT blue line at the KL City Council, the main crowd-puller was the video display and narration of the planned alignment from Sungai Buloh to Kajang.
Tenders for the Blue Line may be called as early as in April 11, which would provide ample time for the 2 to 3 month evaluation period before contracts are awarded. The government aims to start work on the project in July 11, which is achievable though only for peripheral earthworks and site preparation.
In China, Chinese security officials questioned and detained scores of activists at the weekend and warned others against staging protests after an online call was made for demonstrations in 13 cities.
The swift crackdown underlined the anxiety of authorities in the wake of the Egypt uprising and protests across the Middle East.
After a massive selldown two weeks ago, foreign funds returned to emerging Asian markets last week. MIDF Research said that while China may still be in favour, foreign funds were also back snapping stocks in Asian Emerging markets.
There was heavy buying by foreign funds of equity in the Thailand, Indonesian and to some extent, India and Philippine markets last week.
Foreign funds, bought on net basis, US$476mil equity in Thailand and US$274mil in Indonesia, a sizeable amount by historical standard
At 5pm, the FBM KLCI was up 8.29 points to 1,525.85. There were a total of 311 gainers and 792 losers with 267 stocks unchanged.
Tokyo's Nikkei 225 was up 0.14% to 10,857.53 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index was down 0.47% to 23,485.42.
Shanghai's A index was up 1.12% to 2,932.25 while Taiwan's Taiex Index was down 0.05% to 8,839.22.
Seoul's Kospi Index was down 0.39% to 2,005.3, with Singapore's Straits Times Index was down 0.66% to 3,066.41.
Nymex crude oil was up US$1.78 cents to US$104.30 per barrel.
Spot gold was up US$10.30 to US$1,398.90 per ounce.
The ringgit was quoted at 3.0355 to the US dollar.
Updated: Monday February 21, 2011 MYT 5:17:00 PM
FBM KLCI in consolidation mode
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI continued with its consolidation, amid escalating unrest in the Middle East and China, and an early surge in crude oil prices.
In Malaysia, news of the MRT continued to hog the headlines. Last week, during the display of the MRT blue line at the KL City Council, the main crowd-puller was the video display and narration of the planned alignment from Sungai Buloh to Kajang.
Tenders for the Blue Line may be called as early as in April 11, which would provide ample time for the 2 to 3 month evaluation period before contracts are awarded. The government aims to start work on the project in July 11, which is achievable though only for peripheral earthworks and site preparation.
In China, Chinese security officials questioned and detained scores of activists at the weekend and warned others against staging protests after an online call was made for demonstrations in 13 cities.
The swift crackdown underlined the anxiety of authorities in the wake of the Egypt uprising and protests across the Middle East.
After a massive selldown two weeks ago, foreign funds returned to emerging Asian markets last week. MIDF Research said that while China may still be in favour, foreign funds were also back snapping stocks in Asian Emerging markets.
There was heavy buying by foreign funds of equity in the Thailand, Indonesian and to some extent, India and Philippine markets last week.
Foreign funds, bought on net basis, US$476mil equity in Thailand and US$274mil in Indonesia, a sizeable amount by historical standard
At 5pm, the FBM KLCI was up 8.29 points to 1,525.85. There were a total of 311 gainers and 792 losers with 267 stocks unchanged.
Tokyo's Nikkei 225 was up 0.14% to 10,857.53 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index was down 0.47% to 23,485.42.
Shanghai's A index was up 1.12% to 2,932.25 while Taiwan's Taiex Index was down 0.05% to 8,839.22.
Seoul's Kospi Index was down 0.39% to 2,005.3, with Singapore's Straits Times Index was down 0.66% to 3,066.41.
Nymex crude oil was up US$1.78 cents to US$104.30 per barrel.
Spot gold was up US$10.30 to US$1,398.90 per ounce.
The ringgit was quoted at 3.0355 to the US dollar.
Friday, February 18, 2011
交易點 交易點 上升/下跌 差價 天數 買賣1萬股賺
0.745(買)2010年9月21日 0.825(賣)10月4日 上升 +0.08 13天 $684.09
0.825(賣) 10月4日 0.78(買)10月11日 下跌 -0.045 7天 ---(不做交易)
0.78(買)10月11日 0.835(賣)10月12日 上升 +0.055 1天 $431.25
0.835(賣)10月12日 0.77(買)11月2日 下跌 -0.065 21天 ---(等待時機)
0.77(買)11月2日 0.96(賣)11月9日 上升 +0.19 7天 $1773.01
0.96(賣)11月9日 0.785(買)11月18日 下跌 -0.175 9天 ---
0.785(買)11月18日 0.835(賣)11月19日 上升 +0.05 1天 $380.94
0.835(賣)11月19日 0.765(買)11月24日 下跌 -0.07 5天 ---
0.765(買)11月24日 0.82(賣)11月26日 上升 +0.055 2天 $433.15
0.82(賣)11月26日 0.775(買)11月29日 下跌 -0.045 3天 ---
0.775(買)11月29日 0.865(賣)12月15日 上升 +0.09 16天 $779.68
0.865(賣)12月15日 0.815(買)12月20日 下跌 -0.05 5天 ---
0.815(買)12月20日 0.915(賣)12月22日 上升 +0.10 2天 $872.01
0.915(賣)12月22日 0.83(買)2011年1月3日 下跌 -0.085 12天 ---
0.83(買)2011年1月3日 0.94(賣)1月11日 上升 +0.11 8天 $969.49
0.94(賣)1月11日 0.81(買)1月26日 下跌 -0.13 15天 ---
0.81(買)1月26日 0.93(賣)1月28日 上升 +0.12 2天 $1071.38
交易點 交易點 上升/下跌 差價 天數 買賣1萬股賺
0.745(買)2010年9月21日 0.825(賣)10月4日 上升 +0.08 13天 $684.09
0.825(賣) 10月4日 0.78(買)10月11日 下跌 -0.045 7天 ---(不做交易)
0.78(買)10月11日 0.835(賣)10月12日 上升 +0.055 1天 $431.25
0.835(賣)10月12日 0.77(買)11月2日 下跌 -0.065 21天 ---(等待時機)
0.77(買)11月2日 0.96(賣)11月9日 上升 +0.19 7天 $1773.01
0.96(賣)11月9日 0.785(買)11月18日 下跌 -0.175 9天 ---
0.785(買)11月18日 0.835(賣)11月19日 上升 +0.05 1天 $380.94
0.835(賣)11月19日 0.765(買)11月24日 下跌 -0.07 5天 ---
0.765(買)11月24日 0.82(賣)11月26日 上升 +0.055 2天 $433.15
0.82(賣)11月26日 0.775(買)11月29日 下跌 -0.045 3天 ---
0.775(買)11月29日 0.865(賣)12月15日 上升 +0.09 16天 $779.68
0.865(賣)12月15日 0.815(買)12月20日 下跌 -0.05 5天 ---
0.815(買)12月20日 0.915(賣)12月22日 上升 +0.10 2天 $872.01
0.915(賣)12月22日 0.83(買)2011年1月3日 下跌 -0.085 12天 ---
0.83(買)2011年1月3日 0.94(賣)1月11日 上升 +0.11 8天 $969.49
0.94(賣)1月11日 0.81(買)1月26日 下跌 -0.13 15天 ---
0.81(買)1月26日 0.93(賣)1月28日 上升 +0.12 2天 $1071.38
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Inflation causes funds to shift
Friday February 18, 2011
Inflation causes funds to shift
Foreign funds moving money from emerging markets to more matured ones
PETALING JAYA: Most emerging equity markets in Asia have been experiencing sell-downs in recent weeks with foreign funds shifting their money to the more matured markets even as inflation in the region becomes more of a concern.
“Funds will continue to flow out from this region largely on the theme on inflation, the worst of which is not over,” Jupiter Securities research head Pong Teng Siew said.
Extreme weather conditions in most parts of food-producing countries such as Russia, Latin America, Australia and China have kept food grain prices at historical high levels globally, pushing inflation levels up. And emerging markets especially those in Asia, where grains are consumed the most, have been most affected.
Low income nations like India and the Phillipines are the worst-hit as it means that the people there now have to spend a huge amount of their limited income on food, leaving little else to buy other things which can help spur economic growth.
Selling of shares in the emerging markets of India and the Philippines was heavy in the whole of last week, compared to their generally low trading volumes with an estimated outflow of US$178mil and US$48mil respectively, based on information compiled by MIDF Research.
Foreign funds turned net sellers in both nations in early January.
In Malaysia, inflation is still relatively low (at 2.2% in December).
However, that has not stopped foreign funds from cashing out of the market following healthy gains last year.
In Malaysia, according to data compiled by Maybank Research, foreign funds had turned net sellers last week, selling off RM1.18bil worth of shares.
OSK Research head Chris Eng said funds were taking profit following the stellar gains last year made by most emerging markets. In the case of the Malaysian market, it yielded a 31% return in US dollar terms.
The profit-taking is exacerbated by a host of factors including the fact that developed economies were starting to look more attractive, having been under-invested since the global financial crisis of 2008/09 and given their path, albeit a rocky one, to recovery now.
“A flight of funds from emerging markets back to developed markets is happening,” Eng said.
Recent Bursa Malaysia data indicates that foreign investor participation in the local stock market dropped as early as last month as foreign buyers' net purchases took a dip. Net purchases of local stocks by foreigners fell to RM100mil in January, a steep fall from RM2.6bil in December.
Net purchases stood at more than RM4bil at the peak in September last year, the data showed.
Still, MIDF Research does not think that this is a case of foreigners cashing out of Malaysia en bloc.
“Amid the selling, some foreign investors have been picking up good stocks at depressed prices,” MIDF said in its report issued on Feb 14.
The 30-stock benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI index has risen 3.23 points or 0.2% so far this week after losing a total of 45.07 points, or 2.93%, in the last three trading weeks of last week, wiping out all its year-to-date gains.
Inflation causes funds to shift
Foreign funds moving money from emerging markets to more matured ones
PETALING JAYA: Most emerging equity markets in Asia have been experiencing sell-downs in recent weeks with foreign funds shifting their money to the more matured markets even as inflation in the region becomes more of a concern.
“Funds will continue to flow out from this region largely on the theme on inflation, the worst of which is not over,” Jupiter Securities research head Pong Teng Siew said.
Extreme weather conditions in most parts of food-producing countries such as Russia, Latin America, Australia and China have kept food grain prices at historical high levels globally, pushing inflation levels up. And emerging markets especially those in Asia, where grains are consumed the most, have been most affected.
Low income nations like India and the Phillipines are the worst-hit as it means that the people there now have to spend a huge amount of their limited income on food, leaving little else to buy other things which can help spur economic growth.
Selling of shares in the emerging markets of India and the Philippines was heavy in the whole of last week, compared to their generally low trading volumes with an estimated outflow of US$178mil and US$48mil respectively, based on information compiled by MIDF Research.
Foreign funds turned net sellers in both nations in early January.
In Malaysia, inflation is still relatively low (at 2.2% in December).
However, that has not stopped foreign funds from cashing out of the market following healthy gains last year.
In Malaysia, according to data compiled by Maybank Research, foreign funds had turned net sellers last week, selling off RM1.18bil worth of shares.
OSK Research head Chris Eng said funds were taking profit following the stellar gains last year made by most emerging markets. In the case of the Malaysian market, it yielded a 31% return in US dollar terms.
The profit-taking is exacerbated by a host of factors including the fact that developed economies were starting to look more attractive, having been under-invested since the global financial crisis of 2008/09 and given their path, albeit a rocky one, to recovery now.
“A flight of funds from emerging markets back to developed markets is happening,” Eng said.
Recent Bursa Malaysia data indicates that foreign investor participation in the local stock market dropped as early as last month as foreign buyers' net purchases took a dip. Net purchases of local stocks by foreigners fell to RM100mil in January, a steep fall from RM2.6bil in December.
Net purchases stood at more than RM4bil at the peak in September last year, the data showed.
Still, MIDF Research does not think that this is a case of foreigners cashing out of Malaysia en bloc.
“Amid the selling, some foreign investors have been picking up good stocks at depressed prices,” MIDF said in its report issued on Feb 14.
The 30-stock benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI index has risen 3.23 points or 0.2% so far this week after losing a total of 45.07 points, or 2.93%, in the last three trading weeks of last week, wiping out all its year-to-date gains.
Monday, February 14, 2011
埃及雨過天青 馬股見晴重返1500點
更新: February 14, 2011 17:39
游資充裕將重返 高風險高回酬 新興市場料引資更多
更新: February 14, 2011 17:39
高風險高回酬 新興市場料引資更多
高風險高回酬 新興市場料引資更多
Blue chips hold on to gains, KLCI up nearly 11 points as at 5pm.
Blue chips hold on to gains, KLCI up nearly 17 points in late afternoon
Malaysia Sun
Monday 14th February, 2011
(Source: The Edge Daily)
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chips held on to their gains on Monday, Feb 14, as investors? sentiment was underpinned by the positive external data while the broader market reflected some optimism.
At Bursa Malaysia, the FBM KLCI rose 16.99 points to 1,511.51 as at 3.28pm.
Turnover was 1.39 billion shares valued at RM1.19 billion. Advancers beat decliners 526 to 237 while 267 stocks were unchanged. China's main stock index posted its best daily performance in two months on Monday, closing up 2.5% at an eight-week high, as talk of slower-than-expected inflation in January suggested to investors that more policy tightening could be postponed.
According to Reuters, traders said that consumer prices (CPI) may have risen 4.9 percent in the year to January, well below the consensus forecast of 5.3 perce... ...
Malaysia Sun
Monday 14th February, 2011
(Source: The Edge Daily)
KUALA LUMPUR: Blue chips held on to their gains on Monday, Feb 14, as investors? sentiment was underpinned by the positive external data while the broader market reflected some optimism.
At Bursa Malaysia, the FBM KLCI rose 16.99 points to 1,511.51 as at 3.28pm.
Turnover was 1.39 billion shares valued at RM1.19 billion. Advancers beat decliners 526 to 237 while 267 stocks were unchanged. China's main stock index posted its best daily performance in two months on Monday, closing up 2.5% at an eight-week high, as talk of slower-than-expected inflation in January suggested to investors that more policy tightening could be postponed.
According to Reuters, traders said that consumer prices (CPI) may have risen 4.9 percent in the year to January, well below the consensus forecast of 5.3 perce... ...
Friday, February 11, 2011
外資續套現馬股失守1500點 趁低累積優質股避外資股
更新: February 11, 2011 17:46
分析員指出,避險基金展開利差交易平倉(carry trade unwinding),是外資在亞太區大幅拋售的主因。
分析員指出,避險基金展開利差交易平倉(carry trade unwinding),是外資在亞太區大幅拋售的主因。
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
中國升息.區域受驚 狡兔鬧馬股回吐3點
更新: February 9, 2011 17:44
Wednesday Feb 9, 2011--KLCI is down by 3.48 to close at 1536.07
KLCI is down by 3.48 points to close at 1536.07. There were 2.1 billion shares traded value at 2.6 billion ringgit. There were 347 risers and 493 losers, 286 counters unchanged and 260 counters not traded.
Regional markets also fall because China raise interest rate.
There is a report from Reuters on the issue of China raising interest rate as follows:
Wed Feb 9, 2011 3:48am EST
* Hang Seng slides 1.4 percent, property, banks weigh
* HSBC at 52-week high, short-selling picks up
* Commodity-related counters hit by profit-taking
(Updates to close)
By Vikram S.Subhedar
HONG KONG, Feb. 9 (Reuters) - Hong Kong shares slid on Wednesday, with the benchmark index falling below its 100-day moving average after China's second interest rate rise in just over six weeks prompted a selloff in developers and energy counters.
The Hang Seng Index fell 1.4 percent to its lowest close this year while Shanghai's main stock index closed 0.9 percent lower after mainland markets reopened after a week-long break for Lunar New Year.
China's central bank raised interest rates on the last day of the holiday and set the yuan mid-point for the day's trading in the currency against the U.S. dollar at a record high as it battles stubbornly high inflation.
"We expect further interest rate tightening from China for as long as they need to curb inflation, cool off asset markets, while at the same time maintaining a slow appreciation of the RMB," said Wilfred Sit, Head of Asia Pacific Investment Strategy at Mirae Asset Global Investments in Hong Kong.
"The recent moves by China will give more room for other Asian countries to raise rates and regional equity markets will react negatively to this."
Property, commodity-related and financial firms led the selloff in Shanghai on worries that higher borrowing costs could curb consumer demand for homes and new loans. The property sub-index fell 2.1 percent.
That weighed on developers in Hong Kong which have lagged the broader market this year after a strong second-half rally in 2010.
Hong Kong's property sub-index fell 2.4 percent and is down 2.7 percent this year compared with the Hang Seng's mild 0.6 percent gain.
Chinese developers in Hong Kong were hit the hardest with New World Development down 4.2 percent, while Sino Land Co slumped 4 percent. Local bellwether Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd fell 2.4 percent.
Regional markets also fall because China raise interest rate.
There is a report from Reuters on the issue of China raising interest rate as follows:
Wed Feb 9, 2011 3:48am EST
* Hang Seng slides 1.4 percent, property, banks weigh
* HSBC at 52-week high, short-selling picks up
* Commodity-related counters hit by profit-taking
(Updates to close)
By Vikram S.Subhedar
HONG KONG, Feb. 9 (Reuters) - Hong Kong shares slid on Wednesday, with the benchmark index falling below its 100-day moving average after China's second interest rate rise in just over six weeks prompted a selloff in developers and energy counters.
The Hang Seng Index fell 1.4 percent to its lowest close this year while Shanghai's main stock index closed 0.9 percent lower after mainland markets reopened after a week-long break for Lunar New Year.
China's central bank raised interest rates on the last day of the holiday and set the yuan mid-point for the day's trading in the currency against the U.S. dollar at a record high as it battles stubbornly high inflation.
"We expect further interest rate tightening from China for as long as they need to curb inflation, cool off asset markets, while at the same time maintaining a slow appreciation of the RMB," said Wilfred Sit, Head of Asia Pacific Investment Strategy at Mirae Asset Global Investments in Hong Kong.
"The recent moves by China will give more room for other Asian countries to raise rates and regional equity markets will react negatively to this."
Property, commodity-related and financial firms led the selloff in Shanghai on worries that higher borrowing costs could curb consumer demand for homes and new loans. The property sub-index fell 2.1 percent.
That weighed on developers in Hong Kong which have lagged the broader market this year after a strong second-half rally in 2010.
Hong Kong's property sub-index fell 2.4 percent and is down 2.7 percent this year compared with the Hang Seng's mild 0.6 percent gain.
Chinese developers in Hong Kong were hit the hardest with New World Development down 4.2 percent, while Sino Land Co slumped 4 percent. Local bellwether Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd fell 2.4 percent.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tuesday Feb 8, 2011---KLCI up 3.95 to close at 1539.55
Today KLCI was up 3.95 to close at 1539.55. There were 3.1 billion shares traded value at 2.7 billion, 506 counters were up and 379 counters down, 257 counters unchanged and 244 counters non-traded.
Among the top 10 counters were: Kbunai, Olympia, Muiind, Compugt, Iris, CNI, HWGB, Saag, Asiapac, Mulpha.
Among the top 10 counters were: Kbunai, Olympia, Muiind, Compugt, Iris, CNI, HWGB, Saag, Asiapac, Mulpha.
Ringgit hits new 13-year high
Tuesday February 8, 2011
Ringgit hits new 13-year high
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian ringgit hit a new 13-year high of 3.0345 in intra-day trading yesterday before ending trade at 3.036 against the US dollar.
A local wire service quoted a currency trader as saying the new high was driven by speculation that Asian central banks may raise interest rates to curb inflationary pressures and the continued demand for the local currency.
An AmBank Group report said yesterday that the ringgit's strength was precipitated by stronger-than-expected December export data, as manufacturers shipped more palm oil and petroleum products to customers in South-East Asia and Japan.
For latest Bursa Malaysia indices, charts and other information click here
For Bank Negara statements click here
For reports from the Statistics Department click here
Ringgit hits new 13-year high
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian ringgit hit a new 13-year high of 3.0345 in intra-day trading yesterday before ending trade at 3.036 against the US dollar.
A local wire service quoted a currency trader as saying the new high was driven by speculation that Asian central banks may raise interest rates to curb inflationary pressures and the continued demand for the local currency.
An AmBank Group report said yesterday that the ringgit's strength was precipitated by stronger-than-expected December export data, as manufacturers shipped more palm oil and petroleum products to customers in South-East Asia and Japan.
For latest Bursa Malaysia indices, charts and other information click here
For Bank Negara statements click here
For reports from the Statistics Department click here
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday Feb 7, 2011, KLCI is up by 3.78 to close at 1535.60
KLCI is up by 3.78 to close at 1535.60. There were 3.2 billion shares traded value at 2.6 billion ringgit. There were 567 counters up, 287 counters down, 240 counters unchanged, and 297 counters untraded.
Among the top 10 counters are: Iris, Kbunai, Talam, Saag, HWGB, Ramunia, Jotech, Daya.
Among the top 10 counters are: Iris, Kbunai, Talam, Saag, HWGB, Ramunia, Jotech, Daya.
微調0.2%.等待批准 公積金局料派息5.85%
更新: February 7, 2011 17:47
華商機構(Waseong, 5142,工業產品組)
假如有10個好友,每個人有10萬投資基金,大家因為忙於做生意,沒有時間看股市,因此決定聘請一個技術圖表專家,每個月薪金5000令吉,圖表專家的工作非常簡單,就是用Meta Stock選股,一出現有買入訊號,就叫這10個好友進場扯購,這樣的操作方式,可以賺到錢嗎?
華商機構(Waseong, 5142,工業產品組)的模擬交易成績如下:
支持點 阻力點 升幅 動用31萬3333令吉33仙
2.05(買入)2010年6月7日 2.28(沽出)2010年6月16日 +0.23 152,000股(交易量) $30,154.59凈賺
2.15(買入)2月6日 2.40(沽出)7月16日 +0.25 159,000股(交易量) $34,468.26
2.33(買入)7月23日 2.52(沽出)7月30日 +0.19 162,000股(交易量) $25,043.09
1.99(買入)9月1日 2.27(沽出)9月22日 +0.28 202,000股(交易量) $50,277.72
1.93(買入)12月10日 2.17(沽出)12月15日 +0.24 234,000股(交易量) $49,155.78
1.99(買入)12月30日 2.45(沽出)2011年1月14日 +0.46 252,000股(交易量) $107,751.05
華商機構(Waseong, 5142,工業產品組)的模擬交易成績如下:
支持點 阻力點 升幅 動用31萬3333令吉33仙
2.05(買入)2010年6月7日 2.28(沽出)2010年6月16日 +0.23 152,000股(交易量) $30,154.59凈賺
2.15(買入)2月6日 2.40(沽出)7月16日 +0.25 159,000股(交易量) $34,468.26
2.33(買入)7月23日 2.52(沽出)7月30日 +0.19 162,000股(交易量) $25,043.09
1.99(買入)9月1日 2.27(沽出)9月22日 +0.28 202,000股(交易量) $50,277.72
1.93(買入)12月10日 2.17(沽出)12月15日 +0.24 234,000股(交易量) $49,155.78
1.99(買入)12月30日 2.45(沽出)2011年1月14日 +0.46 252,000股(交易量) $107,751.05
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
除夕交易半日有驚喜 馬股顯最後虎威漲12點
更新: February 2, 2011 17:19
年後開紅 幾率達80%
到了2011年1月份 ,即農曆的“虎尾”,馬股則連連創新高!
另外,雲頂新加坡(Genting Singapore)旗下聖淘沙名勝世界綜合度假勝地有限公司(Resorts World Sentosa),借貸42億新元(約98.7億令吉)再融資債務,包括總值35億新元(約82.3億令吉)的有期貸款,及5億新元(約11.8億令吉)循環信貸(revolving credit facilities)。
雲頂新加坡發佈文告說,共19家信貸公司負責主理上述貸款。同時星展銀行(DBS Bank)和華僑銀行(OCBC)提供1億9250萬新元(約4.5億令吉)的銀行擔保信貸。
年後開紅 幾率達80%
到了2011年1月份 ,即農曆的“虎尾”,馬股則連連創新高!
另外,雲頂新加坡(Genting Singapore)旗下聖淘沙名勝世界綜合度假勝地有限公司(Resorts World Sentosa),借貸42億新元(約98.7億令吉)再融資債務,包括總值35億新元(約82.3億令吉)的有期貸款,及5億新元(約11.8億令吉)循環信貸(revolving credit facilities)。
雲頂新加坡發佈文告說,共19家信貸公司負責主理上述貸款。同時星展銀行(DBS Bank)和華僑銀行(OCBC)提供1億9250萬新元(約4.5億令吉)的銀行擔保信貸。
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday Jan 28, 2011--KLCI is down 7.7 at 1519.26 (11:31am) Ranhill also follows the trend of the market
At 11.19 am KLCI is down 7.11 at 1519.81.
Ranhill(5030) is supposed to fly because of the contract announced yesterday. However, because the market is weak, so it also follows the trend.
It went up to 0.93 this morning but the price cannot hold, it came down to 0.89 at 11.23am
News supposed to drive the price up but not necessary.
That is why I said when you bought a stock, you are at risk because there is no guarantee it will go. Even if the price rises, it might not hold so you still have to know when to buy and when to sell to grasp the profit if you are doing trading.
Ranhill(5030) is supposed to fly because of the contract announced yesterday. However, because the market is weak, so it also follows the trend.
It went up to 0.93 this morning but the price cannot hold, it came down to 0.89 at 11.23am
News supposed to drive the price up but not necessary.
That is why I said when you bought a stock, you are at risk because there is no guarantee it will go. Even if the price rises, it might not hold so you still have to know when to buy and when to sell to grasp the profit if you are doing trading.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Thursday Jan 27, 2011--At 3:46pm KLCI is up by 7.59 at 1527.59. The Edge reported about the announcement by Ranhill...
At 3:46 pm KLCI is up by 7.59 at 1527.59.
Market was so bad yesterday, but today it just changed completely.
My friend called me to inform me about Ranhill's announcement on The Edge online news as follows:
Ranhill subsidiary has lion share of RM1.07b Petronas Gas job PDF Print E-mail
Written by Surin Murugiah of thedgemalaysia.com
Thursday, 27 January 2011 15:00
Bookmark and Share
KUALA LUMPUR: RANHILL BHD [] has said its subsidiary Ranhill WorleyParsons Sdn Bhd has a 70% stake in the consortium with MUHIBBAH ENGINEERING (M) BHD [] that secured the RM1.07 billion contract from PETRONAS GAS BHD [], making it the major beneficiary.
The consortium was awarded the engineering, procurement, CONSTRUCTION [], installation and commissioning for the LNG regasification unit, berth and subsea pipeline.
Ranhill said on Thursday, Jan 27 that Ranhill WorleyParsons is its 51%-owned subsidiary.
“The consortium is led by Ranhill, and the contract is valued at RM 1.07 billion with a 70:30 split in favour of Ranhill,” it said.
The announcement was made following Muhibbah’s statement issued on Wednesday, Jan 26 about the contract.
Construction is set to start by the second quarter of 2011 and is expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2012.
The facilities near Sungai Udang Port, Melaka will have a maximum send-out gas capacity of 3.8 million tonnes per annum.
Central to the whole facilities is the LNG Regasification Plant which will regasify liquefied natural gas and once regasified, the gas will be transmitted into the Peninsular Gas Utilisation (PGU) pipeline.
Blogger: It is opened at 0.88. At 2:46, the price started to move to 0.89 and when I saw it, it was 0.915. Later it came down to 0.905 at 3.51pm.
When you read the paper tomorrow, it might just move again. This shows how news can push the counter. You need to get the news early and get in early and get out at the right time to make some profit thru trading.
Timing, timing, timing.
Market was so bad yesterday, but today it just changed completely.
My friend called me to inform me about Ranhill's announcement on The Edge online news as follows:
Ranhill subsidiary has lion share of RM1.07b Petronas Gas job PDF Print E-mail
Written by Surin Murugiah of thedgemalaysia.com
Thursday, 27 January 2011 15:00
Bookmark and Share
KUALA LUMPUR: RANHILL BHD [] has said its subsidiary Ranhill WorleyParsons Sdn Bhd has a 70% stake in the consortium with MUHIBBAH ENGINEERING (M) BHD [] that secured the RM1.07 billion contract from PETRONAS GAS BHD [], making it the major beneficiary.
The consortium was awarded the engineering, procurement, CONSTRUCTION [], installation and commissioning for the LNG regasification unit, berth and subsea pipeline.
Ranhill said on Thursday, Jan 27 that Ranhill WorleyParsons is its 51%-owned subsidiary.
“The consortium is led by Ranhill, and the contract is valued at RM 1.07 billion with a 70:30 split in favour of Ranhill,” it said.
The announcement was made following Muhibbah’s statement issued on Wednesday, Jan 26 about the contract.
Construction is set to start by the second quarter of 2011 and is expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2012.
The facilities near Sungai Udang Port, Melaka will have a maximum send-out gas capacity of 3.8 million tonnes per annum.
Central to the whole facilities is the LNG Regasification Plant which will regasify liquefied natural gas and once regasified, the gas will be transmitted into the Peninsular Gas Utilisation (PGU) pipeline.
Blogger: It is opened at 0.88. At 2:46, the price started to move to 0.89 and when I saw it, it was 0.915. Later it came down to 0.905 at 3.51pm.
When you read the paper tomorrow, it might just move again. This shows how news can push the counter. You need to get the news early and get in early and get out at the right time to make some profit thru trading.
Timing, timing, timing.
Jan 26, 2011 (Wednesday) Share prices dip into red on profit-taking in early trading but recovered in the afternoon, KLCI still negative
BURSA MALAYSIA: Share Prices Dip Into Red On Profit-taking In Early Trading
Share prices on Bursa Malaysia continue to dip into red in early trading today as the market remains in profit-taking, mainly on finance and plantation stocks, ahead of the lunar New Year next week.
At 5pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) fell 6.43 points to 1,520.
Losers led gainers 418 to 328, while 311 counters were unchanged, 335 untraded.
Volume stood at 1419.504 million shares worth RM2601.470 million.
Blogger:Yesterday I felt that market is gone because many stocks appeared so weak. The risers faced a lot of pressure from the seller and eventually they also fell down.
Today market was down to 21 points in the early part of trading because of Digi, BAT KLK which faced some minor profit-taking. If you have the courage and still dare to trade, you can also make some money.
For example, if you were to buy HWGB(9601) at 0.52 for 20,000 shares, you can sell at 2:49 at 5.65 and make some profit.
KUB came down to 0.755 and went up to 0.825 at 12:23 and if your timing is right, you will make your money.
Olympia went down to 0.39 at 9:20 am and went up to 0.435 at 2:53pm. If you can catch just 20,000 units, you can make RM 779.05.
Share prices on Bursa Malaysia continue to dip into red in early trading today as the market remains in profit-taking, mainly on finance and plantation stocks, ahead of the lunar New Year next week.
At 5pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) fell 6.43 points to 1,520.
Losers led gainers 418 to 328, while 311 counters were unchanged, 335 untraded.
Volume stood at 1419.504 million shares worth RM2601.470 million.
Blogger:Yesterday I felt that market is gone because many stocks appeared so weak. The risers faced a lot of pressure from the seller and eventually they also fell down.
Today market was down to 21 points in the early part of trading because of Digi, BAT KLK which faced some minor profit-taking. If you have the courage and still dare to trade, you can also make some money.
For example, if you were to buy HWGB(9601) at 0.52 for 20,000 shares, you can sell at 2:49 at 5.65 and make some profit.
KUB came down to 0.755 and went up to 0.825 at 12:23 and if your timing is right, you will make your money.
Olympia went down to 0.39 at 9:20 am and went up to 0.435 at 2:53pm. If you can catch just 20,000 units, you can make RM 779.05.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
KL Shares continue downtrend on Tuesday (Jan 25, 2011)
January 25, 2011 5 PM
BURSA MALAYSIA: KL Shares Continue Downtrend
At 5pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI was 16.54 points easier at 1,526.43.
TA Securities Head of Research Kaladher Govindan said profit-taking activities would continue this week ahead of the Chinese New Year celebration.
He said investors were cautious and remained sidelined following the lack of market-stimulating movements.
Blogger: There were 292 counters up and 511 counters down. The market is quite weak. It is not suitable for trading. The best is stay out at the moment.
BURSA MALAYSIA: KL Shares Continue Downtrend
At 5pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI was 16.54 points easier at 1,526.43.
TA Securities Head of Research Kaladher Govindan said profit-taking activities would continue this week ahead of the Chinese New Year celebration.
He said investors were cautious and remained sidelined following the lack of market-stimulating movements.
Blogger: There were 292 counters up and 511 counters down. The market is quite weak. It is not suitable for trading. The best is stay out at the moment.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday Jan 24, 2011-- The market is down but there are still trading opportunities..
The market is down by 4.46 recorded at 1542.97 but there are still trading opportunities. There were 258 counters up and 548 counters down.
I ran my explorer on Meta Stock and 5 stocks came to my list, namely IRCB(2127), MPHB(3859), MUIIND(3891), Dutaland(3948) and Jadi(7223)。
IRCB closed at 0.295. The recent high was on Jan 18, 2011 at 0.34. It came down to Jan 21 of 0.275 and rebound today(Jan 24, 2011)
MPHB closed at 2.35. The recent high was 2.44 on Jan 10, 2011. It came down to a low of 2.26 on Jan 21, 2011. It rebounded today.
MUIIND closed at 0.235. The recent high was recorded at 0.26 on Jan 17, 2011. It dropped to 0.22 of Jan 24(today) before it staged a rebound and closed at 0.235.
Dutaland closed at 0.55. The recent high was recorded at 0.58 on Jan 12, 2011. The candle stick chart showed that it was a bearish doji. It later came down to 0.51 of Jan 24 (today)before staging a rebound.
Jadi closed at 0.265. The recent high was 0.28 on Jan 14, 2011. It slipped to Jan 21, 2011 of 0.24 and came back today(Jan 24, 2011)
Takaso (7071) closed at 0.37. You can see black candle on Jan 19, 2011 but on Jan 21 and 24, you can see white candles showing positive sign. Well...
Redtone (0032) closed at 0.185. Sometime you thought the stock will never come down when it is moving up quite strongly. However, when you jump in and buy, you thought it will continue to fly, it came down.
The recent high of Redtone was recorded at 0.215 on Jan 13, 2011. It just came down to 0.185 on Jan 24( today). Will it rebound? I think so.
Salcon(8567) closed at 0.68. You can see two dojis were formed on Jan 13 and Jan 14. Doji shown after a short run up of the market normally can be categorized as bearish doji. Indeed they were bearish dojis because the stock came down from 0.745(Jan 14) to 0.675 (today).
On Dec 6, 2010, Salcon also came down to 0.675 low but it quickly recovered. Will history repeat itself. What do you think? The essence of technical analysis is history will repeat itself. Well, show me again.
I ran my explorer on Meta Stock and 5 stocks came to my list, namely IRCB(2127), MPHB(3859), MUIIND(3891), Dutaland(3948) and Jadi(7223)。
IRCB closed at 0.295. The recent high was on Jan 18, 2011 at 0.34. It came down to Jan 21 of 0.275 and rebound today(Jan 24, 2011)
MPHB closed at 2.35. The recent high was 2.44 on Jan 10, 2011. It came down to a low of 2.26 on Jan 21, 2011. It rebounded today.
MUIIND closed at 0.235. The recent high was recorded at 0.26 on Jan 17, 2011. It dropped to 0.22 of Jan 24(today) before it staged a rebound and closed at 0.235.
Dutaland closed at 0.55. The recent high was recorded at 0.58 on Jan 12, 2011. The candle stick chart showed that it was a bearish doji. It later came down to 0.51 of Jan 24 (today)before staging a rebound.
Jadi closed at 0.265. The recent high was 0.28 on Jan 14, 2011. It slipped to Jan 21, 2011 of 0.24 and came back today(Jan 24, 2011)
Takaso (7071) closed at 0.37. You can see black candle on Jan 19, 2011 but on Jan 21 and 24, you can see white candles showing positive sign. Well...
Redtone (0032) closed at 0.185. Sometime you thought the stock will never come down when it is moving up quite strongly. However, when you jump in and buy, you thought it will continue to fly, it came down.
The recent high of Redtone was recorded at 0.215 on Jan 13, 2011. It just came down to 0.185 on Jan 24( today). Will it rebound? I think so.
Salcon(8567) closed at 0.68. You can see two dojis were formed on Jan 13 and Jan 14. Doji shown after a short run up of the market normally can be categorized as bearish doji. Indeed they were bearish dojis because the stock came down from 0.745(Jan 14) to 0.675 (today).
On Dec 6, 2010, Salcon also came down to 0.675 low but it quickly recovered. Will history repeat itself. What do you think? The essence of technical analysis is history will repeat itself. Well, show me again.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
KLCI is down because of China increased its deposit reserve ration by 0.5 % to 19%
At 2:44pm, KLCI is down by 16.38 recorded at 1550.13.
Why is market down? This is because last Friday, the central bank of China, People's Bank of China(PBoC) has announced that banking institutions of China are required to further raise the renminbi deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage point as from January 20, 2011.
Check the posting on the internet as follows:
www.yicai.com (January 17, 2011)
Banks Required to Raise Renminbi Deposit Reserve Ratio
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 05:55:47 EST
BEIJING, Jan 17, 2011 (SinoCast Daily Business Beat via COMTEX) --
As the central bank of China, People's Bank of China (PBoC) has required banking institutions to further raise the renminbi deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage point as from January 20, 2011.
Over the past year, the country's commercial banks had raised the raise the renminbi deposit reserve ratio by three percentage points for six times. After the adjustment this time, four of the country's large state lenders, including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (601398.SH, 1398.HK), Bank of China (601988.SH, 3988.HK), China Construction Bank (601939.SH, 0939.HK) and Agricultural Bank of China (601288.SH, 1288.HK), will see their deposit reserve ratio stand at 19.0%.
One official with PBoC has pointed out that the central bank is understood to tighten the liquidity via the move; and such a decision is made based upon the status of funds outstanding for foreign exchange. As available data showed, the new incremental foreign exchange reserves of China were USD 199 billion during the last quarter of 2010, thus hitting the quarterly high ever since 1997. By month, the nation's foreign exchange reserves added USD 112.6 billion, USD 6.9 billion and USD 79.5 billion in October, November and December 2010, respectively.
As for the funds outstanding for foreign exchange, the whole-year amount reached CNY 22.58 trillion in 2010, with the figure of CNY 403 billion in last December alone. With the appreciation of Chinese Yuan, up to CNY 400 billion funds outstanding for foreign exchange are expected for January 2011.
As from December 26, 2010, banking financial institutions of China were asked to adjust up the benchmark loan rate and benchmark deposit rate further. This was the second time for the country's central bank to raise the benchmark interest rates within 2010, after which, the benchmark interest rate for one-year deposits was 2.75% and the benchmark interest rate for one-year loans was 5.81%. Also, the interest rates of two-year, three-year and five-year deposits have been adjusted by 0.3%, 0.3% and 0.35% respectively; and the interest rates for three-month and half-year deposits have been raised by 0.34% and 0.3% respectively. As for the main reason of the move, the regulatory department is believed to try to tighten the liquidity and mitigate the inflation pressure.
Vice Governor of the central bank said that the authority is going to adopt various tools of monetary policy at the next step, such as the adjustment of deposit reserve ratio, the adjustment of benchmark interest rate, and the open market operation. An economist with the Industrial Bank predicts that more such moves will be carried out in 2011.
(USD 1 = CNY 6.59)
Source: www.yicai.com (January 17, 2011)
While studied the market in a trading perspective, I realized more that all the stocks have got its cycle. If you can read it well, you can make money all the time.
Takaso(7071) does not have big players, just small players. Even so you can buy low and sell high. How you do it? You check it out.
Salcon(8567) is getting hit. If it cannot break thru 0.70, it has to consolidate at a lower level,
Muiind(3891) went up because of the insurance deal. It is still under negotiation. Why it came down? That is the issue. You see even stock that carried the news will also come down because that is technical.
Unisem(5005) came down to 2.13 and rebound to 2.18 at 3:01 pm. This stock is on the trend because there is a news from oversea that the demand for chips is still strong.
How not to get the timing wrong? How to get the right price? These are important.
I find that I have to check the chart before I do any investment otherwise it will always be either buying at the wrong price or it is at the wrong timing.
Trading or investing is a serious business. Have to be careful.
Why is market down? This is because last Friday, the central bank of China, People's Bank of China(PBoC) has announced that banking institutions of China are required to further raise the renminbi deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage point as from January 20, 2011.
Check the posting on the internet as follows:
www.yicai.com (January 17, 2011)
Banks Required to Raise Renminbi Deposit Reserve Ratio
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 05:55:47 EST
BEIJING, Jan 17, 2011 (SinoCast Daily Business Beat via COMTEX) --
As the central bank of China, People's Bank of China (PBoC) has required banking institutions to further raise the renminbi deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage point as from January 20, 2011.
Over the past year, the country's commercial banks had raised the raise the renminbi deposit reserve ratio by three percentage points for six times. After the adjustment this time, four of the country's large state lenders, including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (601398.SH, 1398.HK), Bank of China (601988.SH, 3988.HK), China Construction Bank (601939.SH, 0939.HK) and Agricultural Bank of China (601288.SH, 1288.HK), will see their deposit reserve ratio stand at 19.0%.
One official with PBoC has pointed out that the central bank is understood to tighten the liquidity via the move; and such a decision is made based upon the status of funds outstanding for foreign exchange. As available data showed, the new incremental foreign exchange reserves of China were USD 199 billion during the last quarter of 2010, thus hitting the quarterly high ever since 1997. By month, the nation's foreign exchange reserves added USD 112.6 billion, USD 6.9 billion and USD 79.5 billion in October, November and December 2010, respectively.
As for the funds outstanding for foreign exchange, the whole-year amount reached CNY 22.58 trillion in 2010, with the figure of CNY 403 billion in last December alone. With the appreciation of Chinese Yuan, up to CNY 400 billion funds outstanding for foreign exchange are expected for January 2011.
As from December 26, 2010, banking financial institutions of China were asked to adjust up the benchmark loan rate and benchmark deposit rate further. This was the second time for the country's central bank to raise the benchmark interest rates within 2010, after which, the benchmark interest rate for one-year deposits was 2.75% and the benchmark interest rate for one-year loans was 5.81%. Also, the interest rates of two-year, three-year and five-year deposits have been adjusted by 0.3%, 0.3% and 0.35% respectively; and the interest rates for three-month and half-year deposits have been raised by 0.34% and 0.3% respectively. As for the main reason of the move, the regulatory department is believed to try to tighten the liquidity and mitigate the inflation pressure.
Vice Governor of the central bank said that the authority is going to adopt various tools of monetary policy at the next step, such as the adjustment of deposit reserve ratio, the adjustment of benchmark interest rate, and the open market operation. An economist with the Industrial Bank predicts that more such moves will be carried out in 2011.
(USD 1 = CNY 6.59)
Source: www.yicai.com (January 17, 2011)
While studied the market in a trading perspective, I realized more that all the stocks have got its cycle. If you can read it well, you can make money all the time.
Takaso(7071) does not have big players, just small players. Even so you can buy low and sell high. How you do it? You check it out.
Salcon(8567) is getting hit. If it cannot break thru 0.70, it has to consolidate at a lower level,
Muiind(3891) went up because of the insurance deal. It is still under negotiation. Why it came down? That is the issue. You see even stock that carried the news will also come down because that is technical.
Unisem(5005) came down to 2.13 and rebound to 2.18 at 3:01 pm. This stock is on the trend because there is a news from oversea that the demand for chips is still strong.
How not to get the timing wrong? How to get the right price? These are important.
I find that I have to check the chart before I do any investment otherwise it will always be either buying at the wrong price or it is at the wrong timing.
Trading or investing is a serious business. Have to be careful.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Wednesday News(Jan 19, 2011)達加富資源(TAKASO,7071,主板消費組)幾時飆升?
1月19日下午4時19分,此股挂0.695, 破0.70,準備持票,怕它會先下之後才會傷。
目前出現在Meta Stock投資搜查軟件所發現的股項還有華安國際(HUAAN,2739,主板工業組),阿末查基資源(AZRB,7078,主板建築),華陽(HUAYANG,5062,主板產業組)及富達置地(DUTALND,3948,主板種植組)。
1月19日下午4時19分,此股挂0.695, 破0.70,準備持票,怕它會先下之後才會傷。
目前出現在Meta Stock投資搜查軟件所發現的股項還有華安國際(HUAAN,2739,主板工業組),阿末查基資源(AZRB,7078,主板建築),華陽(HUAYANG,5062,主板產業組)及富達置地(DUTALND,3948,主板種植組)。
Jan 18, 2011--KLCI dropped 4.45(1570.04) and the volume is also coming down
At 5:00 pm, KLCI is down by 4.45 (1570.04) and the volume is also coming down.
Can we still trade? If we are trading the momentum of the market, we need to side line ourselves. If we are trading for the swing of the market, you still need to watch the market and enter at the right moment.
I am still monitoring Takaso( 7071). I notice on Jan 8, 2010, it was at the low of 0.22 but suddenly in just three trading day, it moved to 1.00, up by 78 cents.
Later on it came down. Oct 1, 2010, the history repeated itself. It moved from 0.355 to 0.63 just within 4 trading days, up 0.275.
On Nov 3, 2010, it started the show from 0.335 and the next day it reached 0.42, not so fantastic but you still can make some money.
Dec 6, 2010, it has slid to 0.325, however within 12 trading days, it moved to 0.585, up 26 cents.
Today(Jan 18, 2011), it opened at 0.375 but in the evening near closing, it slid to the low of 0.355 because of the force-selling. It closed at 0.36. 484,500 shares transacted today. Yesterday's volume was 393,500 shares.
Salcon(8567) was also hit by forceselling. It closed at 0.71. From today's trading pattern, I can see there are people accumulating the stock. Normally, if the market accumulated enough of this stock, it will just move.
Redtone(0032) closed at 0.19. It came down because Gpacket(0082) also came down. Gpacket closed at 0.79, some profit taking activities was taking place.
When the market sentiment is good, Redtone might just moved.
Muiind(3891) closed at 0.24. This morning, it opened at 0.25 and went up to 0.26 but later it ran out of steam and came down. Since Muiind is negotiating the sale of Mui Continental Insurance with Liberty, the stock should move.
Kinstel(5060) performs quite well today. It closed at 0.97. Meta stock explorer picked up Huaan(2739), AZRB(7078), Huayang(5062) and Dutaland(3948). Will write about them later.
Can we still trade? If we are trading the momentum of the market, we need to side line ourselves. If we are trading for the swing of the market, you still need to watch the market and enter at the right moment.
I am still monitoring Takaso( 7071). I notice on Jan 8, 2010, it was at the low of 0.22 but suddenly in just three trading day, it moved to 1.00, up by 78 cents.
Later on it came down. Oct 1, 2010, the history repeated itself. It moved from 0.355 to 0.63 just within 4 trading days, up 0.275.
On Nov 3, 2010, it started the show from 0.335 and the next day it reached 0.42, not so fantastic but you still can make some money.
Dec 6, 2010, it has slid to 0.325, however within 12 trading days, it moved to 0.585, up 26 cents.
Today(Jan 18, 2011), it opened at 0.375 but in the evening near closing, it slid to the low of 0.355 because of the force-selling. It closed at 0.36. 484,500 shares transacted today. Yesterday's volume was 393,500 shares.
Salcon(8567) was also hit by forceselling. It closed at 0.71. From today's trading pattern, I can see there are people accumulating the stock. Normally, if the market accumulated enough of this stock, it will just move.
Redtone(0032) closed at 0.19. It came down because Gpacket(0082) also came down. Gpacket closed at 0.79, some profit taking activities was taking place.
When the market sentiment is good, Redtone might just moved.
Muiind(3891) closed at 0.24. This morning, it opened at 0.25 and went up to 0.26 but later it ran out of steam and came down. Since Muiind is negotiating the sale of Mui Continental Insurance with Liberty, the stock should move.
Kinstel(5060) performs quite well today. It closed at 0.97. Meta stock explorer picked up Huaan(2739), AZRB(7078), Huayang(5062) and Dutaland(3948). Will write about them later.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Jan 17, 2011(Monday)Market is still at lower liners, Kub(6874), Saag(9652), Hwgb(9601), Tebrau(1589)
Market is still at lower liners, Kub(6874), Saag(9652), Hwgb(9601), Tebrau(1589)
At 4:18pm, KLCI is up 2.66 recorded at 1572.55. Hong Kong is down 130.50 recorded at 24162.15.
I need to check some of the stocks that I am monitoring.
Kinstel(5060) is 0.95. It seems that there is one stockbroking wrote about this stock and recommended a buy. It said the target price is 1.20.
It seems that MUIind(3891) has secured green light from Bank Negara to negotiate the selling of MUI Continental Insurance's stake (52.21%) to American based company Liberty. It was recorded at 0.22 on Jan 13, 2011 but jump to 0.255.
I missed the Friday show and was thinking of jumping in but it has heavy volume. At 4:30pm, it is recorded at 0.245, the low was 0.24. Will it come down? It is difficult to say although there is this negotiation going on. Anybody wanted to buy still need to take a risk.
Salcon(8567)'s price range is between 0.72 to 0.735. When I was looking at it during the weekend, the stock closed at 0.725 showing a doji on Jan 14. A day before, that is on Jan 13, there is another doji.
When the price is at a low level, doji is bullish signal. I notice in the past the stock will just fly after doji signals are shown. That happened on Nov 15, 2010 which pushed the price to 0.89.
History will repeat itself. That is the principle of technical analysis. It will move. When it will move is another question. It is always the right timing.
Takaso(7071) is priced at 0.38 at 4.44pm. Last year, the stock has the habit of sudden surge. There were three such occasions, that is on Jan 12 to 1.00, Oct 7, 0.63 and Dec 22, 0.585.
The high is getting lower. Could the next high be 0.485?
Redtone(0032) seems to move in tandem with Gpacket(0082). Redtone is at 0.20 at 4.57pm whereas Gpacket is 0.815. Gpacker might consolidate before it takes off.
At 4:18pm, KLCI is up 2.66 recorded at 1572.55. Hong Kong is down 130.50 recorded at 24162.15.
I need to check some of the stocks that I am monitoring.
Kinstel(5060) is 0.95. It seems that there is one stockbroking wrote about this stock and recommended a buy. It said the target price is 1.20.
It seems that MUIind(3891) has secured green light from Bank Negara to negotiate the selling of MUI Continental Insurance's stake (52.21%) to American based company Liberty. It was recorded at 0.22 on Jan 13, 2011 but jump to 0.255.
I missed the Friday show and was thinking of jumping in but it has heavy volume. At 4:30pm, it is recorded at 0.245, the low was 0.24. Will it come down? It is difficult to say although there is this negotiation going on. Anybody wanted to buy still need to take a risk.
Salcon(8567)'s price range is between 0.72 to 0.735. When I was looking at it during the weekend, the stock closed at 0.725 showing a doji on Jan 14. A day before, that is on Jan 13, there is another doji.
When the price is at a low level, doji is bullish signal. I notice in the past the stock will just fly after doji signals are shown. That happened on Nov 15, 2010 which pushed the price to 0.89.
History will repeat itself. That is the principle of technical analysis. It will move. When it will move is another question. It is always the right timing.
Takaso(7071) is priced at 0.38 at 4.44pm. Last year, the stock has the habit of sudden surge. There were three such occasions, that is on Jan 12 to 1.00, Oct 7, 0.63 and Dec 22, 0.585.
The high is getting lower. Could the next high be 0.485?
Redtone(0032) seems to move in tandem with Gpacket(0082). Redtone is at 0.20 at 4.57pm whereas Gpacket is 0.815. Gpacker might consolidate before it takes off.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Friday(Jan 14, 2011)Market is correcting today, can we still trade?
At the point of writing, it is 3:49 pm, the marketing is correcting. Can we still buy or rather can we still trade?
Trading is about buy low and sell high. This is in the stock market. If you can sell short, you can sell high and buy low.
Tebrau(1589) was 99 sen this morning, now it is 0.92. Market is always fluctuating.
Jaks moved to 82 this morning and later came down, still positive. It is priced at 0.795 at 3:53pm
PChem(5183) is priced at 6.14.
I was watching GPacket(0082). This stock jumped up yesterday. Today it came down
to 0.80. I was thinking of buying yesterday because it is in my explorer list. However, I thought it it might come down because of the quick jump. True enough, this morning, it came down to as low as 80 cents. I thought it might break the 80 cents level, but it did not. It just came back at 3:48pm recorded a price of 0.835.
Well, we have to think fast and act fast.
Look at the greenpacket chart, there is a doji yesterday. This is a bearish sign, no wonder today came down.
If I were to buy 20,000 at 80 cents and sell it at 0.835, I would have made RM 459.00, just half a day's work.
Salcon(8567) came back to my explorer's list. I saw a doji for yesterday's chart formation. To me, this stock will perform soon. At 4:12pm, it is priced at 0.72. Today's price range is from 0.72 to 0.745, most are done at 0.73. If this stock continued to move, it will challenge the 0.89 price level.
Ynhprop(3158) has moved to 1.84. At 4:15pm, it is priced at 1.82.
Dufu(7233) is trying to break the resistance price of 0.455 but did not manage. Maybe later, maybe Monday. Price takes time to move.
Takaso(7071) is also trying to break 0.39 resistance but came back to 0.38 because the overall market sentiment is no good.
Redtone(0032) is still in the consolidating stage. It might move next week.
Trading is about buy low and sell high. This is in the stock market. If you can sell short, you can sell high and buy low.
Tebrau(1589) was 99 sen this morning, now it is 0.92. Market is always fluctuating.
Jaks moved to 82 this morning and later came down, still positive. It is priced at 0.795 at 3:53pm
PChem(5183) is priced at 6.14.
I was watching GPacket(0082). This stock jumped up yesterday. Today it came down
to 0.80. I was thinking of buying yesterday because it is in my explorer list. However, I thought it it might come down because of the quick jump. True enough, this morning, it came down to as low as 80 cents. I thought it might break the 80 cents level, but it did not. It just came back at 3:48pm recorded a price of 0.835.
Well, we have to think fast and act fast.
Look at the greenpacket chart, there is a doji yesterday. This is a bearish sign, no wonder today came down.
If I were to buy 20,000 at 80 cents and sell it at 0.835, I would have made RM 459.00, just half a day's work.
Salcon(8567) came back to my explorer's list. I saw a doji for yesterday's chart formation. To me, this stock will perform soon. At 4:12pm, it is priced at 0.72. Today's price range is from 0.72 to 0.745, most are done at 0.73. If this stock continued to move, it will challenge the 0.89 price level.
Ynhprop(3158) has moved to 1.84. At 4:15pm, it is priced at 1.82.
Dufu(7233) is trying to break the resistance price of 0.455 but did not manage. Maybe later, maybe Monday. Price takes time to move.
Takaso(7071) is also trying to break 0.39 resistance but came back to 0.38 because the overall market sentiment is no good.
Redtone(0032) is still in the consolidating stage. It might move next week.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Thursday(Jan 13, 2011)--Market is still at the lower liners
The market is still concentrating on the lower liners. Look at today top 10 counters, namely Kbunai(3115),Compugt(5037),Daya(0091),Bornoil(7036),Saag(9652),
Tebrau(1589),Scomi(7158),HWGB(9601),Ramunia(7206)and Mixbiz(9733).
Kbunai, Daya, Bornoil, Tebrau, Scomi, HWGB and Ramunia came into my explorer list.
Explorer is a important feature in Meta Stock where you need to spend a few minutes to scan thru 2000 counters and pick up potential stocks. It is just amazing. However, you need to put in proper formulae.
I don't like stock that are too hot. I am still watching Salcon(8567), Ynhprop(3158),Redtone(0032), Takaso(7071.
I put Dufu(7233) back in to my watch list because it came out in the 6 day moving average explorer's list.
At 12:12pm, Salcon is price at 0.725. It dropped to 0.715 and came back to 0.73 at one time. I think someone is watching this stock because there were a lot of buyers at 0.715 which is a strong support.
Takaso was quite cold this morning. At 12:20 pm, it is priced at 0.375. It came back to my 6 day moving average list today. Yesterday candle stick chart showed white candle, bullish sign. 14 day RSI also turned up recorded at 47.82.
Someone is still collecting at this level.
Ynhprop is priced at 1.79 at 12:30pm. Someone is playing this stock because there were heavy trading at 10:16 am. It seems to me that some players are doing a roll over at 1.70, 1.71, 1.72 and 1.73.
You need to trade this stock or you need to buy and keep and wait for the right price to dispose. It is your choice.
Redtone is priced at 0.21 at 12:30pm. All the penny stocks are moving. This one may be next in line.
Redtone's recent high was 0.24 at Nov 4, 2010. After 38 trading days of correction, it started to show a reversal sign on Jan 3, 2011.
If you were to buy 100,000 shares at 0.21 and sell at 0.22, you could make RM 684.10 or if you hold a little longer to wait for the 0.24 to appear, you could make RM 2669.50. Can you take this risk? Think of the risk first, don't think of the gain.
Dufu is priced at 0.45 at 12:30pm. Today's low is 0.44 and the high is 0.455. It might challenged the high of 0.485 achieved on Nov 8, 2010.
14 day RSI is recorded at 62.49 and is still heading upwards yesterday.
Tebrau(1589),Scomi(7158),HWGB(9601),Ramunia(7206)and Mixbiz(9733).
Kbunai, Daya, Bornoil, Tebrau, Scomi, HWGB and Ramunia came into my explorer list.
Explorer is a important feature in Meta Stock where you need to spend a few minutes to scan thru 2000 counters and pick up potential stocks. It is just amazing. However, you need to put in proper formulae.
I don't like stock that are too hot. I am still watching Salcon(8567), Ynhprop(3158),Redtone(0032), Takaso(7071.
I put Dufu(7233) back in to my watch list because it came out in the 6 day moving average explorer's list.
At 12:12pm, Salcon is price at 0.725. It dropped to 0.715 and came back to 0.73 at one time. I think someone is watching this stock because there were a lot of buyers at 0.715 which is a strong support.
Takaso was quite cold this morning. At 12:20 pm, it is priced at 0.375. It came back to my 6 day moving average list today. Yesterday candle stick chart showed white candle, bullish sign. 14 day RSI also turned up recorded at 47.82.
Someone is still collecting at this level.
Ynhprop is priced at 1.79 at 12:30pm. Someone is playing this stock because there were heavy trading at 10:16 am. It seems to me that some players are doing a roll over at 1.70, 1.71, 1.72 and 1.73.
You need to trade this stock or you need to buy and keep and wait for the right price to dispose. It is your choice.
Redtone is priced at 0.21 at 12:30pm. All the penny stocks are moving. This one may be next in line.
Redtone's recent high was 0.24 at Nov 4, 2010. After 38 trading days of correction, it started to show a reversal sign on Jan 3, 2011.
If you were to buy 100,000 shares at 0.21 and sell at 0.22, you could make RM 684.10 or if you hold a little longer to wait for the 0.24 to appear, you could make RM 2669.50. Can you take this risk? Think of the risk first, don't think of the gain.
Dufu is priced at 0.45 at 12:30pm. Today's low is 0.44 and the high is 0.455. It might challenged the high of 0.485 achieved on Nov 8, 2010.
14 day RSI is recorded at 62.49 and is still heading upwards yesterday.
Wednesday(Jan 12, 2011) Trade the stock you feel comfortable
Today is still on penny stocks. Oil and gas counters also moved. I think if you want to make money, you don't have to go into heavy volume stocks because a lot of time, they are in the phase of distributing.
Salcon (8567) came into my watch list because my 6-day moving average chart captured it. Yesterday it was positive but today it went into consolidation. Look at the day chart, seems to me someone is collecting.
At 3.31pm, it is price at 0.725.
The counters in my watch list moved. I am just getting exciting.
Takaso(7071) is attempting to pull itself out of consolidation. It is priced at 0.375 at 3.33pm
Ynhprop(3158) shows positive sign. I am right again. It is priced at 1.75 at 3.33pm. It was 1.77 a little while ago.
I keep watching. If all my prediction can just come true, I have the key to open up the door of wealth.
If one counter you can made 100 ringgit, 10 counters will be 1000 ringgit. If one day you can make 1000 ringgit, 1 month you will be able to make 20,000 ringgit. Cool...
Redtone(0032) is in consolidating phase. It is priced at 0.195 at 4.05pm. In view of the fact that most of the penny stocks are moving, Redtone might be next in line because I saw white candle appeared yesterday and gravestone doji on Jan 7 and Jan 10 signaling bullish future.
Salcon (8567) came into my watch list because my 6-day moving average chart captured it. Yesterday it was positive but today it went into consolidation. Look at the day chart, seems to me someone is collecting.
At 3.31pm, it is price at 0.725.
The counters in my watch list moved. I am just getting exciting.
Takaso(7071) is attempting to pull itself out of consolidation. It is priced at 0.375 at 3.33pm
Ynhprop(3158) shows positive sign. I am right again. It is priced at 1.75 at 3.33pm. It was 1.77 a little while ago.
I keep watching. If all my prediction can just come true, I have the key to open up the door of wealth.
If one counter you can made 100 ringgit, 10 counters will be 1000 ringgit. If one day you can make 1000 ringgit, 1 month you will be able to make 20,000 ringgit. Cool...
Redtone(0032) is in consolidating phase. It is priced at 0.195 at 4.05pm. In view of the fact that most of the penny stocks are moving, Redtone might be next in line because I saw white candle appeared yesterday and gravestone doji on Jan 7 and Jan 10 signaling bullish future.
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